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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Responses to Written Comments Final EIR <br /> <br /> <br />2-82 FirstCarbon Solutions <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/4 - Final EIR/21480022 Sec02-00 Responses to Written Comments_TRACKS.docx <br />meet the RHNA, in compliance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6. The City is not obligated to <br />adopt any of the alternatives evaluated in the Draft Program EIR. The information provided in the <br />comment letter will be provided to City decision-makers. <br />Response to SEEFRIED-4 <br />The commenter describes VMT reduction measures that would be included as part of development <br />on Site 21a and 21b (Kiewit) and concludes the comment letter. The comment does not specifically <br />address the adequacy of the Draft Program EIR or identify any potentially significant adverse <br />environmental impacts. The comment is noted and will be provided to City decision-makers. <br />Response to SEEFRIED-5 <br />Exhibit A is a development plan provided by the commenter.