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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 11 <br />C:\Users\mramirez\ADEC Solutions USA, Inc\Publications Site - Documents\Publications\Client (PN-JN)\2148\21480022\MMRP\21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element Update MMRP.docx <br />Mitigation Measures Method of Verification Timing of Verification <br />Responsible for <br />Verification <br />Verification of Completion <br />Date Initial <br />would reduce potential vibration impacts to less than <br />significant for any impacted structures. Upon approval by the <br />City, the construction vibration reduction measures shall be <br />incorporated into the construction documents. A note shall be <br />provided on grading and building plans indicating that, during <br />grading and construction, the property owner/developer shall <br />be responsible for requiring contractors, to be monitored via <br />on-site inspection by the Community Development <br />Department, to implement these measures to limit <br />construction-related vibration impacts. <br />Section 3.14—Transportation <br />MM TRANS-2: Implement Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction <br />Measures. Prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy, a <br />project applicant for an individual housing project <br />development proposal that does not screen out from Vehicle <br />Miles Traveled (VMT) impact analysis, as determined by a <br />qualified consultant using the methods applied in this Draft <br />Program EIR, with modifications as deemed appropriate by the <br />City (e.g., to account for project-specific information and/or to <br />reflect future updates to the Alameda Countywide Travel <br />Demand [Alameda CTC] Model and/or other methodologies <br />acceptable to the City), shall provide a VMT analysis using the <br />methods applied in this Draft Program EIR, with modifications <br />as deemed appropriate by the City (e.g., to account for project- <br />specific information and/or to reflect future updates to the <br />Alameda CTC Model and/or other methodologies acceptable to <br />the City), and reduce VMT impacts to less than the applicable <br />VMT thresholds, to the extent feasible. <br />Preparation of Vehicle <br />Miles Traveled (VMT) <br />analysis, when applicable, <br />and implementation of <br />VMT reduction measures <br />Prior to the issuance <br />of certificate of <br />occupancy <br />City of Pleasanton <br />Community <br />Development <br />Department, Traffic <br />Engineering Division <br /> <br />