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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 129 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />Housing Element Update outweigh the Housing Element Update’s unavoidable adverse <br />environmental impacts, those impacts may be considered “acceptable.” <br />Having reduced the adverse significant environmental effects of the Housing Element Update to the <br />extent feasible by adopting the mitigation measures contained in the Program EIR, the MMRP, and <br />this Resolution, having considered the entire administrative record, and having weighed the benefits <br />of the Housing Element Update against its unavoidable adverse impact after mitigation, the City has <br />determined that each of the following social, economic, legal, environmental and other benefits <br />separately and individually outweigh the potential unavoidable adverse impact and render those <br />potential adverse environmental impacts acceptable based upon the following overriding <br />considerations: <br />• The Housing Element Update would establish a long-range planning framework to identify <br />adequate sites for future housing developments to meet the housing needs in the region. <br />• Development consistent with the Housing Element Update would accommodate anticipated <br />population growth within existing developed areas. <br />• The Housing Element Update would prioritize infill development, which would protect natural <br />lands and open space. <br />• The Housing Element Update would prioritize infill development, which would reduce fossil <br />fuel consumption attributable to longer commuting distances and limited transit options. <br />• The Housing Element Update would ensure capacity for development of new housing to meet <br />the RHNA at all income levels. <br />• The Housing Element Update would encourage housing development where supported by <br />existing or planned infrastructure while maintaining existing neighborhood character. <br />• The Housing Element Update would facilitate programs and policies to meet existing projected <br />affordable housing needs, including for special needs populations such as persons with <br />disabilities, seniors–including those seeking to age in place, the unhoused, and larger <br />households. <br />• The Housing Element Update would support sustainable local, regional, and State housing and <br />environmental goals. <br />• The Housing Element Update would provide new housing communities with substantial <br />amenities to provide a high quality of life for residents. <br />• The Housing Element Update would provide equitable access to community facilities and <br />services, employment opportunities and amenities. <br />• The Housing Element Update demonstrates how the City can accommodate its RHNA in <br />compliance with the requirements of California Government Code Section 65584. <br /> <br />Custodian of Record; Scope and Content of Record <br />The documents and materials that constitute the record of proceedings on which this Resolution has <br />been based are located at: