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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 123 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />The Site Rankings Focus Alternative would advance all of the project objectives, albeit with several <br />advanced to a lesser degree due to the decrease in proposed units. However, the reduction in total <br />units would not reduce project impacts to below a level of significance and it would result the <br />development of fewer housing units and would not increase the inventory of land available for the <br />development of housing to the same degree as the proposed Housing Element Update. Thus, this <br />alternative would advance the project objectives to a lesser degree and is therefore rejected. <br />Environmentally Superior Alternative <br />Section 15126.6(e)(2) of the State CEQA Guidelines indicates that an analysis of alternatives to a <br />proposed project shall identify an environmentally superior alternative among the alternatives <br />evaluated in an EIR. <br />Each of the project alternatives would lessen the environmental impacts relative to the Housing <br />Element Update to a certain degree (as described above and further in the Program EIR). If the No <br />Project is the environmentally superior alternative, the EIR must also identify another <br />environmentally superior alternative among the remaining alternatives. The City is mandated to <br />update the Housing Element and the No Project Alternative is not feasible. Overall, based on these <br />Findings, Alternative 2, Transit-Oriented Focus, would be the environmentally superior alternative <br />given its reduced residential development potential resulting in a decrease in the shortfall in water <br />supply. Because this alternative would result in the development of fewer sites, the associated <br />environmental impacts would be less than those associated with the proposed Housing Element <br />Update. As this alternative would focus new residential development near existing or planned transit <br />centers, despite the reduction in housing units, this alternative would likely result in lower VMT than <br />the proposed Housing Element Update. This alternative would still result in a significant and <br />unavoidable impact with respect to VMT and water supply. Although Alternatives 1 and 3 would also <br />reduce the number of sites and units, Alternative 2 results in a more substantial reduction of <br />transportation impacts compared to the other two. <br />Further, Alternative 2, Transit-Oriented Focus meets all the key objectives and goals of the Housing <br />Element Update. Namely, it would ensure capacity for the development of new housing to meet the <br />RHNA at all income levels and present the HCD with a housing element that would meet RHNA and <br />reduce VMT and water demand. For these reasons, Alternative 2 is considered the Environmentally <br />Superior Alternative. <br />Each of the build alternatives would meet all the project objectives to a degree. However, the <br />proposed Housing Element Update would more fully accomplish the project objectives because it <br />would accommodate the greatest number of housing units, but each of the build alternatives would <br />exceed the City’s RHNA. <br />1.9 - Findings Regarding Cumulative Impacts <br />Consistent with CEQA’s requirements, the Draft Program EIR includes an analysis of cumulative <br />impacts in every topical discussion. The discussion of cumulative impacts analyzes cumulative <br />impacts of the Housing Element Update, taken together with other past, present, and reasonably <br />foreseeable future projects producing related impacts. The goal is to determine whether overall