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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 113 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />appropriate by the City (e.g., to account for project-specific information and/or to <br />reflect future updates to the Alameda Countywide Travel Demand [Alameda CTC] <br />Model and/or other methodologies acceptable to the City), shall provide a VMT <br />analysis using the methods applied in this Draft Program EIR, with modifications as <br />deemed appropriate by the City (e.g., to account for project-specific information <br />and/or to reflect future updates to the Alameda CTC Model and/or other <br />methodologies acceptable to the City), and reduce VMT impacts to less than the <br />applicable VMT thresholds, to the extent feasible. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: As shown in Table 3.14-2 on Page 3.14-23 – 25 of the Draft Program <br />EIR, development consistent with the Housing Element Update is estimated to reduce the home- <br />based VMT per resident, with an average of 22.3 VMT per resident in 2040. This does not result in <br />the VMT being below the threshold of significance of 15.0 (i.e., 15 percent below the Alameda <br />County 2040 No Project Average home-based VMT per capita). Although development consistent <br />with the Housing Element Update as a whole would result in a home-based VMT per resident <br />reduction, the average does not drop below the threshold of significance, as shown in Table 3.14-2, <br />and almost all of the sites are above the threshold of significance as shown in Table 3.14-3. As shown <br />in Table 3.14-4, development consistent with the Housing Element Update would reduce the VMT <br />per service population for the potential sites for housing by about 17 percent, from 36.9 to 30.5. <br />However, the VMT of 30.5 for the potential sites for housing is above the threshold of significance of <br />22.0, indicating a significant impact related to VMT. Mitigation Measure (MM) TRANS-2 requires <br />individual housing project development proposals that do not screen out from a VMT impact <br />analysis to provide a quantitative VMT analysis using the methodology used for the Draft Program <br />EIR analysis and, if results indicate the VMT associated with the individual housing project would be <br />above the threshold, it would be required to include VMT reduction measures. Projects which result <br />in a significant impact may implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures and <br />physical measures to reduce VMT. The measures would not be additive and combining the reduction <br />measures reduces their effectiveness resulting in a cap on the total VMT reduction these measures <br />can provide. Because the effectiveness of the VMT reduction measures in reducing an individual <br />development project’s VMT impact to a less than significant level cannot be confirmed in the <br />analysis provided in the Draft Program EIR, the impact would remain significant and unavoidable <br />with mitigation (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.14-23). <br />Consequently, implementation of MM TRANS-2 would reduce project VMT; however, <br />implementation of MM TRANS-2 would not be sufficient to reduce impacts to less than significant <br />levels. The City finds that MM TRANS-2 is feasible, is adopted, and will reduce impacts to the <br />greatest extent feasible. However, impacts would remain significant and unavoidable even with <br />mitigation incorporated. <br />Cumulative Impacts: Development consistent with the Housing Element Update would result in a <br />significant and unavoidable cumulatively considerable contribution to the existing cumulative VMT <br />impact even with mitigation incorporated (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.14-27–29). <br />Findings: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Housing <br />Element Update which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental