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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />94 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />presence of sunlight to form ozone. Therefore, the BAAQMD ozone threshold is based on the <br />emissions of the ozone precursors VOC and NOX. <br />2017 Clean Air Plan Consistency: BAAQMD evaluates criteria pollutants resulting from long-range <br />plans, such as the Housing Element Update, by evaluating consistency with the AQP as well as a <br />comparison of project VMT to projected population increase. As noted in Impact AIR-1 above, the <br />development consistent with the Housing Element Update would be consistent with the 2017 Clean <br />Air Plan since it would facilitate population growth which outpaces forecasted VMT growth. <br />Moreover, development consistent with the Housing Element Update would support the primary <br />goals of the AQP, include applicable control measures from the AQP, and neither disrupt nor hinder <br />implementation of any AQP control measures. <br />As illustrated in Impact AIR-1, the General Plan contains policies and programs which would apply to <br />the development consistent with the Housing Element Update that incorporate and implement the <br />control measures included in the 2017 Clean Air Plan. Moreover, as discussed in Impact AIR-1, the <br />Housing Element Update would support the overall goals of the 2017 Clean Air Plan with inclusion of <br />the measures provided in MM AIR-1a and MM AIR-1b. <br />MM AIR-1a would be required to ensure that individual development projects facilitated by the <br />Housing Element Update would result in less than significant construction fugitive dust impacts. MM <br />AIR-1a contains BAAQMD’s Basic Construction Mitigation Measures Recommended for All Proposed <br />Projects contained in the BAAQMD’s 2017 CEQA Air Quality Guidelines, which are recommended by <br />the BAAQMD to ensure construction fugitive dust emissions are less than significant. <br />The Housing Element Update would not result in a potentially significant community risk and hazard <br />impact because the General Plan identifies special overlay zones around existing and planned <br />sources of TACs, including overlay zones and high-volume roadways, and the General Plan identifies <br />goals, policies, and objectives to minimize potentially adverse impacts for projects within those <br />special overlay zones. MM AIR-1b requires the preparation of a site-specific HRA and to mitigate <br />potential health risk to new sensitive receptors at future development sites to less than significant <br />levels. Therefore, the Housing Element Update would be consistent with the 2017 Clean Air Plan and <br />would therefore not result in a cumulatively considerable net increase in criteria air pollutants and <br />ozone precursors. <br />Criteria Air Pollutant and Ozone Precursor Emissions: Development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update would be consistent with the 2017 Clean Air Plan since it would facilitate population <br />growth which outpaces forecasted VMT growth. The Housing Element Update would support the <br />primary goals of the AQP, include applicable control measures from the AQP, and neither disrupt nor <br />hinder implementation of any AQP control measures. The Housing Element Update aims to facilitate <br />balanced growth between housing and employment in the city, which would limit operational <br />emissions through reducing residents’ dependency on vehicular transportation. <br />All new development and redevelopment in the city would be required to meet the BAAQMD rules <br />and regulations, including Regulation 6, Rule 3 that restrict the installation of wood-burning <br />fireplaces into a new building and Regulation 8, Rule 3 that limits the allowed VOC levels in the