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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 91 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />Operation–Housing Element Update Vehicle Miles Traveled and Population Growth: BAAQMD’s plan- <br />level guidance does not require an emissions inventory of criteria air pollutants for plan-level analysis; <br />however, the BAAQMD recommends that the second criterion used for determining plan-level impact <br />significance is to analyze a proposed plan’s projected VMT growth versus its projected population growth <br />from existing conditions through its planning horizon year (2031 in this case). As discussed in Impact AIR- <br />1, if a proposed plan’s projected VMT growth outpaces its projected population growth, then that <br />proposed plan would result in a cumulatively considerable net increase in criteria pollutants, and this <br />impact would be potentially significant. As discussed in Impact AIR-1, the VMT growth facilitated by the <br />Housing Element Update would constitute an approximately 12 percent growth through at least 2031, <br />while population growth facilitated by the Housing Element Update would constitute an approximately <br />23 percent growth through 2031. Therefore, the forecasted population growth would outpace the <br />forecasted VMT growth facilitated by the Housing Element Update (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.2-52– <br />55). <br />The City finds that MM AIR-1a and MM AIR-1b are feasible, are adopted, and will further reduce <br />impacts to related air quality. Accordingly, the City finds that, pursuant to Public Resources Code <br />Section 21081(a)(1) and State CEQA Guidelines Section 15091(a)(1), changes or alterations have <br />been required in, or incorporated into, the Housing Element Update that mitigate or avoid the <br />potentially significant impacts as identified in the Program EIR. Therefore, impacts associated with <br />air quality would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. <br />Impact AIR-3: Development consistent with the Housing Element Update, rezonings, and General <br />and Specific Plan Amendments could expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant <br />concentrations. (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.2-55). <br />Findings: Less than significant impact with mitigation incorporated. (Draft Program EIR, Page <br />3.2-57–58). Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the <br />Project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as <br />identified in the Program EIR. (State CEQA Guidelines, § 15091(a)(1)) <br />Mitigation Measures <br />Implement MM AIR-1b. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: Within the SFBAAB, localized risks are primarily associated with <br />exposure to TACs and PM2.5 emissions. Although it is not anticipated that development consistent <br />with the Housing Element Update would include any new, large stationary sources of emissions, it <br />would result in new sensitive receptors (primarily residential receptors) near existing sources of <br />emissions. The BAAQMD Guidelines recommend a Community Risk Reduction Plan (CRRP) that <br />would bring TAC and PM2.5 concentrations in the SFBAAB down to acceptable levels as identified by <br />the local jurisdiction and approved by BAAQMD. <br />Community Risk and Hazards–Plan Land Use Diagram Special Overlay Zones: Consistent with <br />BAAQMD’s CEQA Air Quality Guidelines, the Housing Element Update would not result in a <br />significant community risk and hazard impact if the land use diagram identifies special overlay zones <br />around existing and planned sources of TACs and PM2.5, including special overlay zones of at least