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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />90 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />Mitigation Measures <br />Implement MM AIR-1a and MM AIR-1b. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: Construction: Future development facilitated by the Housing Element <br />Update would result in short-term construction-related criteria pollutant emissions that have the <br />potential to have an adverse effect on air quality. Short-term criteria pollutant emissions would <br />occur during demolition, site preparation, grading, building construction, paving, and architectural <br />coating activities associated with individual development projects. ROG and NOX emissions are <br />primarily associated with gasoline and diesel equipment exhaust and the application of architectural <br />coatings. Fugitive dust emissions (PM10 and PM2.5) are primarily associated with site preparation and <br />vary as a function of such parameters as soil silt content, soil moisture, wind speed, acreage of <br />disturbance area, and VMT by construction vehicles on- and off-site. Typical construction equipment <br />associated with development and redevelopment projects includes dozers, graders, excavators, <br />loaders, and trucks. The BAAQMD maintains and recommends project-level thresholds to which <br />potential future development projects consistent with the Housing Element Update would be <br />subject. For all projects, the BAAQMD recommends implementation of eight Basic Construction <br />Measures to reduce construction fugitive dust emissions, as outlined on Page 3.2-53–54 of the Draft <br />Program EIR. The BAAQMD determines a less than significant impact with respect to construction <br />fugitive dust emissions if the eight measures are implemented during project construction. Criterion <br />identified by the BAAQMD for determining plan-level significance with respect to criteria air <br />pollutants and ozone precursors is determining project consistency with the current AQP control <br />measures, which are intended to ensure the region's achievement and maintenance of attainment of <br />federal and State AAQS. As the SFBAAB is currently designated as a nonattainment area for PM, and <br />considering that the BAAQMD’s recommended significance threshold for construction fugitive dust is <br />binary—meaning if a project includes dust control BMPs then construction fugitive dust emissions <br />would be less than significant, but if a project does not explicitly include dust control BMPs then <br />construction fugitive dust emissions would be potentially significant—MM AIR-1a would be required <br />to ensure that individual development projects facilitated by the Housing Element Update would <br />result in less than significant construction fugitive dust impacts. MM AIR-1a contains BAAQMD’s <br />Basic Construction Mitigation Measures Recommended for All Proposed Projects, as included in the <br />BAAQMD’s 2017 CEQA Air Quality Guidelines, which are recommended by the BAAQMD to reduce <br />construction fugitive dust emissions. <br />Operation–Consistency with Air Quality Plan Control Measures: It was assumed all housing facilitated <br />by the Housing Element Update would become fully operational in 2031. Implementation of the <br />Housing Element Update could result in the development and operation of up to 7,787 net new <br />residential units. As the City receives applications for subsequent development, those applications <br />would be reviewed by the City for compliance with MM AIR-1a and MM AIR-1b and the programs <br />and policies in the General Plan, which may require additional site-specific or project-specific <br />measures to reduce any potential impacts and ensure that impacts remain less than significant. As <br />discussed in Impact AIR-1, the Housing Element Update would be consistent with the 2017 Clean Air <br />Plan control measures. As such, the Housing Element Update would be consistent with the current <br />AQP control measures.