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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 63 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />As part of its efforts to anticipate and appropriately plan for future growth, PUSD prepares a 7-year <br />projection of student population, updated annually. The most recent study projects modest <br />increases in elementary school enrollment, and relatively flat or declining enrollment in middle <br />school or high school enrollments. As the demand for school services increases from development <br />consistent with the Housing Element Update, there may be a need to increase staffing, facilities, and <br />equipment to maintain acceptable service ratios and other performance objectives for schools. <br />However, this would require existing school sites to be able to accommodate the additional staff, <br />facilities and/or equipment. If an existing school site is at capacity for staffing or for students, this <br />could require an expansion of an existing school site or construction of a new school site, the <br />construction of which could cause environmental impacts. Construction and operation of future new <br />or expanded school facilities would have similar impacts as would construction and operation of <br />other types of new development under the Housing Element Update. Further, PUSD would be <br />required to receive approval from the Division of the State Architect and complete any required <br />CEQA review for construction of new or expanded school facilities. the payment of statutory fees “ . . <br />. is deemed to be full and complete mitigation of the impacts of any legislative or adjudicative act, or <br />both, involving, but not limited to, the planning, use, or development of real property . . . on the <br />provision of adequate school facilities.” Therefore, with the payment of required State-established <br />SB 50 fees, future development consistent with the Housing Element Update would not result in <br />significant adverse effects related to school facilities (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.13-29–32). <br />Potential Effect <br />Impact PSR-4: Development consistent with the Housing Element Update, rezonings, and General <br />Plan and Specific Plan Amendments would not result in substantial adverse physical impacts <br />associated with the provision of new or physically altered library facilities, need for new or physically <br />altered library facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in <br />order to maintain acceptable service ratios or other performance objectives for library facilities. <br />(Draft Program EIR, Page 3.13-33). <br />Findings: Less than significant impact. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: Prior to development on Sites 1 (Lester) and 22 (Merritt), those sites <br />would be annexed into Pleasanton and would be served by library facilities within Pleasanton. The <br />Pleasanton Public Library maintains a 30,178-square-foot library facility, which equates to <br />approximately 0.377 square feet of library space per capita. The Pleasanton Library Space Needs <br />Assessment recommends a 0.91 per capita of building space, which equates to a minimum of <br />approximately 90,000 square feet of facility space to accommodate the population growth <br />associated with the Housing Element Update. The Pleasanton Public Library maintains a physical <br />collection size of 163,325, resulting in a current ratio between the materials collection and current <br />population of approximately 2:1. To maintain this ratio, the physical collection would need to <br />increase to almost 200,000 items. The number of cardholders would also increase from 54,730 <br />registered cardholders to a little over 66,000 cardholders (assuming the current cardholder <br />percentage of 67 percent remains steady). The building size and parking are already limited, <br />community access to popular programs could be impacted, the 200,000 necessary items to <br />accommodate demand would not fit in the current facility, additional funds are needed to meet