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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />34 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />Findings: Less than significant impact. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: Development consistent with the Housing Element Update would <br />generate GHG emissions during temporary (short-term) construction activities such as site grading, <br />operation of construction equipment, operation of on-site heavy-duty construction vehicles, hauling <br />of materials to and from the future project sites, asphalt paving, and construction worker vehicle <br />trips. Long-term operational GHG emissions would result from project-generated vehicular traffic, <br />utilization of any landscaping equipment, off-site generation of electrical power, use of energy <br />required to convey water to and wastewater to the potential sites for housing, hauling and disposal <br />of solid waste from the potential sites for housing, any fugitive refrigerants from air conditioning or <br />refrigerators, and operation of any proposed stationary sources such as backup generators or fire <br />pumps. As previously discussed, the BAAQMD’s 2022 GHG significance thresholds state that a land <br />use development plan, such as the Housing Element Update, has the potential to result in a <br />significant impact if it cannot demonstrate consistency with Criterion A or Criterion B: <br />A. Meet the State’s goals to reduce emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and <br />carbon neutrality by 2045; or <br />B. Be consistent with a local GHG reduction strategy that meets the criteria under State CEQA <br />Guidelines Section 15183.5(b). <br /> <br />The Housing Element Update is analyzed under the BAAQMD’s Criterion B. By demonstrating that <br />the Housing Element Update is consistent with the goals and policies of the CAP 2.0, this analysis <br />also demonstrates that the Housing Element Update would support the State’s goals to reduce <br />emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, since <br />the CAP 2.0 was adopted to support the achievement of those goals. The BAAQMD encourages the <br />incorporation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce GHG emissions during construction. <br />The BMPs recommended by the BAAQMD to reduce construction-related GHG emissions include <br />maximizing the use of alternative fueled construction vehicles and equipment and local building <br />materials as well as recycling or reusing construction and demolition waste to the maximum extent <br />practicable. <br />The General Plan and Municipal Code include policies and programs specifically designed to address <br />GHG emissions during project construction activities. The General Plan includes GHG reduction <br />strategies for developments approved prior to the adoption of the CAP 2.0 and required the <br />adoption of the CAP 2.0. Municipal Code Section 9.20.080 supports reducing and recycling solid <br />waste, recyclables, and organic waste. Municipal Code Section 9.21.030 includes development of <br />waste management plans to divert construction waste from landfill. Recovering salvageable <br />materials for recycling would lead to further reductions of GHG emissions. Future development <br />projects where the City is the lead agency would need to show consistency with the BAAQMD’s 2022 <br />GHG significance thresholds for land use development projects or incorporate mitigation to reduce <br />impacts to less than significant levels. Additionally, the City requires that development projects <br />demonstrate consistency with the CAP 2.0 by submitting the CAP 2.0 CEQA GHG Emissions Analysis <br />Compliance Checklist to ensure projects comply with the GHG reduction strategies outlined in the <br />CAP 2.0. For land use development projects, the BAAQMD recommends that the project