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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />24 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />natural gas, and 5,831,526 gallons of transportation fuel annually (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.5-23, <br />Table 3.5-1). Development consistent with the Housing Element Update would be considered to <br />result in wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy resources if it would conflict <br />with the following energy conservation goals: <br />• Decreasing overall per capita energy consumption; <br />• Decreasing reliance on fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, or oil; and <br />• Increasing reliance on renewable energy sources. <br /> <br />Decreasing Overall Per Capita Energy Consumption: The Housing Element Update would result in <br />population growth which outpaces the forecasted VMT growth. As such, the Housing Element <br />Update would result in an overall decrease in per capita transportation energy consumption with <br />respect to transportation energy resources. As such, energy consumption related to per capita <br />transportation would decrease from that experienced by the region’s current per capita <br />transportation energy consumption patterns. <br />The County currently has estimated per capita energy consumption of 6,162 kWh of electricity and <br />13 MMBtu of natural gas per year. Development consistent with the Housing Element Update is <br />anticipated to utilize 35,079,950 kWh per year and up to 95,220 MMBtu per year. This number does <br />not include any mitigation or consideration of future implementation of CAP 2.0 measures. As the <br />Housing Element Update could result in a maximum of 18,029 residents, the per capita energy <br />consumption is estimated at 1,946 kWh per year and 5.28 MMBtu per year, both of which would be <br />below the County’s average electricity and natural gas consumption rates. Future development is <br />likely to consume less electricity than what is disclosed in this analysis because the energy <br />consumption estimates rely on CalEEMod Version 2020.4.0, which assumes minimum energy <br />efficiency design compliant with the 2019 California Building Code. Because development is <br />anticipated to be permitted after January 1, 2023, individual development projects would be subject <br />to additional energy efficiency standards beyond what is currently required. Therefore, the Housing <br />Element Update is consistent with this criterion. <br />Decreasing Reliance on Fossil Fuels: As discussed above, the Housing Element Update would result in <br />a relative decrease from the County per capita consumption rates for natural gas and electricity. A <br />decrease in per capita natural gas and transportation fuels translate directly to a decrease in reliance <br />on fossil fuel energy resources. Strategies contained in the CAP 2.0 would further reduce energy <br />consumption and reliance on fossil fuel energy resources. Strategy BE-1 would result in the default <br />electricity service choice being a zero-emission service option for both community and municipal <br />operations. Strategy BE-1 would also result in the implementation of an all-electric reach code for <br />new construction, which would preclude the future installation and consumption of natural gas <br />plumbing for building energy needs and space and water heating needs. Strategy BE-2 would further <br />promote energy efficiency upgrades and retrofits in buildings into the future, and Strategy BE-3 <br />would expand the use of renewable energy generation and storage. Other strategies of the CAP 2.0, <br />such as Strategy TLU-1, would also serve to reduce fossil fuel reliance for transportation through the <br />improved use of EVs and installation of EV charging infrastructure. Therefore, the Housing Element <br />Update is consistent with this criterion.