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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 21 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />unlikely event human remains are discovered, Public Resources Code Section 5097 identifies specific <br />stop-work and notification procedures to follow when Native American human remains are <br />inadvertently discovered during excavation and construction activities. In addition, in the event of <br />the accidental discovery or recognition of any human remains, State CEQA Guidelines Section <br />15064.5(d)—Effects on Human Remains, Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5, and Public <br />Resources Code Sections 5097.94 and Section 5097.98 must be followed. These requirements apply <br />to all construction projects within the potential sites for rezoning (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.4-22– <br />23). <br />Potential Effect <br />Impact CUL-4: Development consistent with the Housing Element Update, rezonings, and General <br />Plan and Specific Plan Amendments would not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance <br />of a Tribal Cultural Resource that is listed or eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical <br />Resources, or in a local register of historical resources as defined in Public Resources Code Section <br />5020.1(k). (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.4-23). <br />Findings: Less than significant impact. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: On February 25, 2022, a letter was sent to the NAHC to determine <br />whether any sacred sites are listed on its Sacred Lands File for the potential sites for housing. A <br />response was received on April 6, 2022, indicating the search returned negative results for Tribal <br />Cultural Resources (TCRs) within the potential sites for housing. It is always possible that subsurface <br />excavation activities may encounter previously undiscovered TCRs. Future development consistent <br />with the Housing Element Update could affect known or previously unidentified TCRs. In addition, <br />the potential for additional undiscovered eligible TCRs to be present within the potential sites for <br />housing exists but varies by location. The General Plan includes policies and programs intended to <br />conserve and reduce impacts to TCRs. For example, Program 5.5 of the Open Space and <br />Conservation Element encourages the use of educational workshop, exhibits, and teaching materials <br />that celebrate the city’s history, ancestral heritage, and Native American contributions and <br />encourages participation by Native American groups in developing such programs. The General Plan <br />and Municipal Code also include policies and programs intended to conserve and reduce impacts to <br />archaeological resources, which can include TCRs, as described in Impact CUL-1 (Draft Program EIR, <br />Page 3.4-23–24). <br />Potential Effect <br />Impact CUL-5: Development consistent with the Housing Element Update, rezonings, and General <br />Plan and Specific Plan Amendments would not cause a substantial adverse change in significance of <br />a Tribal Cultural Resource determined by the lead agency, in its discretion and supported by <br />substantial evidence, to be significant pursuant to the criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public <br />Resources Code Section 5024.1. (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.4-24). <br />Findings: Less than significant impact.