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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />18 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />also be required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including obtaining all required <br />regulatory permits and achieving consistency with the Tree Preservation Policy and complying with <br />applicable HCP requirements, and would be required to implement similar mitigation measures for <br />any impacts caused by development in the city and the larger region. The Housing Element Update’s <br />incremental contribution to these less than significant cumulative impacts would not be significant <br />with implementation of Chapter 17.16 of the Municipal Code, which outlines the City’s Tree <br />Preservation Policy which regulates Heritage Trees and other trees located on City property. All <br />development facilitated by the Housing Element Update would be subject to these mandatory <br />requirements to preserve trees and other sensitive habitat. <br />Habitat and Natural Community Conservation Plan Consistency: The Tri-Valley Planning Area, which <br />includes the City of Pleasanton as well as the surrounding cities of Dublin, Livermore, and San <br />Ramon and the Town of Danville are not within any HCP or community conservation plan. Therefore, <br />future development within the cumulative geographic scope is not within these plans. A large <br />portion of the Cities of Pleasanton, Dublin, and Livermore are all within the EACCS. As described <br />above, the EACCS is not considered an HCP. The EACCS is intended to provide guidance during the <br />project planning and permitting process to ensure that impacts are offset in a biologically effective <br />manner, and other development projects within the geographic area considered for the cumulative <br />impact analysis would be required to comply with the EACCS, to be confirmed during the project <br />approval process. The Housing Element Update’s incremental contribution to these less than <br />significant cumulative impacts would not be significant with adherence to the EACCS (Draft Program <br />EIR, Page 3.3-31–35). <br />1.5.4 - Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources <br />Potential Effect <br />Impact CUL-1: Development consistent with the Housing Element Update, rezonings, and General <br />Plan and Specific Plan Amendments would not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance <br />of a historical resource pursuant to Section 15064.5. (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.4-19). <br />Findings: Less than significant impact. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: Known historic buildings, districts, and resource sites are located <br />throughout the City, especially within the Downtown area. Additional undesignated sites, and <br />potentially unidentified sites, could exist within the potential sites for rezoning. Many of the <br />potential sites for rezoning are parcels that contain existing commercial or residential buildings, <br />which could potentially be historic resources. The General Plan includes policies and programs <br />specifically designed to address the conservation and protection of historical resources. Goal 4 of the <br />Open Space and Conservation Element requires the designation, preservation, and protection of <br />archaeological and historic resources within the Pleasanton Planning Area. Policy 5 mandates the <br />preservation and rehabilitation of historic resources that are significant because of their age, <br />appearance, or history, and Program 5.1 provides additional requirements for review of applications <br />for development projects. Pursuant to Program 5.1, in consultation with the NWIC, available <br />information would be used to determine whether an archaeology study, construction monitoring, or <br />other mitigations are appropriate on a project-by-project basis. Program 5.2 requires