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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />10 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />Findings: Less than significant impact. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The city is surrounded by various scenic resources, including hillsides, <br />ridge views, vast open spaces, valleys, arroyos, and canals. Many of these resources are visible from <br />the eligible and officially designated State Scenic Highways that have been identified as in or near <br />the city. <br />Development on Sites 1 (Lester) and 2 (Stoneridge Shopping Center, Mall) that is consistent with the <br />Housing Element Update could partially obstruct views from Interstate 680 (I-680) portions of which <br />are officially designated as a State Scenic Highway. As previously discussed, both Sites 1 (Lester) and <br />22 (Merritt) would be designated as low-density sites and Site 2 (Stoneridge Shopping Center, Mall) <br />would be designated as a high-density site, which represents an increase in intensity at these sites <br />from existing conditions. Additionally, Sites 9 (Metro 580), 11 (Old Santa Rita Area), 12 (Pimlico <br />Area), and 29 (Oracle) and the Dublin-Pleasanton BART station property are located adjacent to I- <br />580, and development consistent with the Housing Element Update would be fully visible from the <br />highway. All of the sites adjacent to I-580 would be designated as high-density sites, which <br />represents an increase in intensity at each of these sites from existing conditions. State Route (SR) 84 <br />is an also an officially designed State Scenic Highway near the city; however, none of the potential <br />sites for housing are located within the highway corridor. <br />All future development consistent with the Housing Element Update would be required to be <br />reviewed for conformance with Objective Design Standards, as outlined in Municipal Code Chapter <br />18.20, which would ensure that development would be constructed in such a way as to not obstruct <br />views of scenic resources from the State Scenic Highways. Additionally, all future development <br />consistent with the Housing Element Update would be required to comply with applicable General <br />Plan policies, including Land Use Element Policy 21, which preserves scenic hillsides and ridge views <br />in the city and Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 8. Program 8.2 preserves the scenic <br />attributes of existing and proposed scenic highways including views of woodlands, hills and ridges, <br />valleys, and grazing lands. Program 8.1 requires implementation of the recommendations contained <br />in the Scenic Highway Plan for I-680. Thus, all future development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update would be required to comply with the Scenic Highway Plan. Moreover, the sites <br />located near I-580 would be within areas already subject to relatively dense development, and in <br />some cases, adjacent to existing tall commercial buildings; in this context, and with application of <br />applicable design guidelines, potential visual impacts would be limited. <br />Policies contained within the Scenic Highway Plan would preserve existing large stands of trees and <br />vegetation along the State Scenic Highways and existing views of hillsides and open spaces available <br />from the State Scenic Highways. The majority of the potential sites for rezoning are already <br />developed or partially developed with urbanized uses, or are relatively small sites, completely <br />surrounded by urbanized uses. However, Sites 1 (Lester), 3 (PUSD-Donlon), 14 (St. Elizabeth Seton), <br />21a and b (Kiewit), 22 (Merritt), 26 (St. Augustine), 27 (PUSD-Vineyard), 29 (Oracle) and portions of <br />Site 24 (Sonoma Drive) are vacant. Out of the currently vacant sites, only Site 22 (Merritt) is within <br />the I-680 corridor and, given the historical and current uses, does not contain large stands of <br />vegetation that would be impacted by future development.