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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 9 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />Standards allows the City to review all aspects of a project, including the layout, landscaping, <br />parking, building massing and architecture, colors and/or materials, illumination, amenities, and <br />community impacts. As stated in the Municipal Code, the City’s review for conformance with <br />Objective Design Standards specifically analyzes whether a proposed development would preserve <br />the natural beauty of the city and views enjoyed by residents, workers within the city, and passersby <br />throughout the community. This process would ensure that all proposed development would not <br />significantly impact views of available scenic resources. All future development consistent with the <br />Housing Element Update would be required to comply with the policies and actions of the General <br />Plan, as well as the Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, and Hacienda Design Guidelines where <br />applicable, which are designed to protect view corridors, scenic resources, and natural features. <br />Consistent with the General Plan, Land Use Element Policies 8 and 10 and Community Character <br />Element Policies 15 and 17, design features for future development of all uses would complement <br />the adjacent properties and draw on their surroundings to ensure compatibility. Further, consistent <br />with the General Plan, Land Use Element Policy 21 and Community Character Element Policy 20, <br />special emphasis would be placed on site plans, setbacks, building height, massing, and scale of <br />future development to ensure that scenic hillsides and ridge views surrounding the city are <br />preserved. Policy 4.1 of the Housing Element Update would result in the development of guidelines <br />and standards for residential and mixed-use development that would incorporate Objective Design <br />Standards whenever possible which would ensure future projects are attractive and well-designed <br />which would also ensure scenic hillsides and ridges are preserved (Program 4.2). Program 6.1 <br />requires the City to adopt Objective Design Standards. These standards would ensure that these <br />properties are developed at appropriate height limits, with compatible Floor Area Ratio, setbacks, <br />massing, open space and parking requirements. These standards also include approval criteria to <br />ensure that projects can accomplish their assigned densities, while mitigating potential <br />incompatibilities between those higher density projects and adjacent uses, such as view corridors, <br />scenic resources, and natural features by implementing standards such as height limits, Floor Area <br />Ratio, setbacks, massing, open space and parking requirements. <br />Site 27 (PUSD-Vineyard) is located within the Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan area. All future <br />development at that site would be consistent with Land Use Objective 8, which ensures that all <br />future development is designed to emphasize the rural character through careful siting of buildings, <br />minimal disruption to the physical terrain, and sensitive architectural and landscape treatments. Site <br />1 (Lester) and Site 22 (Merritt) would be designated as low-density sites, which would reduce <br />intensity and bulkiness near the ridgelands. Site 2 (Stoneridge Shopping Center, Mall) would be <br />designated as a high-density site; however, all future development at these sites would be subject to <br />Objective Design Standards and would comply with the Municipal Code and the General Plan, which <br />would ensure that scenic vistas are protected. Further, specific plans will be amended to ensure <br />consistency across planning documents, as applicable. (Draft Program EIR, Page 3.1-17–19.) <br />Potential Effect <br />Impact AES-2: Development consistent with Housing Element Update, rezonings, General Plan and <br />Specific Plan Amendments would not substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not <br />limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic building within a State Scenic Highway. (Draft <br />Program EIR, Page 3.1-19.)