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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />8 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />1.5 - Potential Environmental Effects Which are Not Significant or Less than <br />Significant <br />The City of Pleasanton has heard, been presented with, reviewed, and considered all of the <br />information and data in the administrative record, including the Draft and Final Program EIR, and all <br />oral and written evidence presented to it during all meetings and hearings. The Program EIR reflects <br />the independent judgment of the City of Pleasanton and is deemed adequate for the purposes of <br />making decisions on the merits of the Housing Element Update. <br />Consistent with Public Resources Code Section 21002.1 and Section 15128 of the State CEQA <br />Guidelines, the Program EIR focused its analysis on potentially significant impacts, and limited <br />discussion of other impacts for which it can be seen with certainty there is no potential for <br />significant adverse environmental impacts. State CEQA Guidelines Section 15091 does not require <br />specific findings to address environmental effects that an EIR identifies as “no impact” or a “less <br />than significant” impact and for which no mitigation is necessary. Nevertheless, the City of <br />Pleasanton hereby finds that development consistent with the Housing Element Update would have <br />either no impact or a less than significant impact as described below. Further, it was determined <br />that the Housing Element Update would result in no impact to mineral resources. <br />Therefore, based on its independent judgment and the entire administrative record before it, the <br />City has determined that the following potential environmental effects will not be significant and no <br />mitigation is necessary for the reasons stated below. <br />1.5.1 - Aesthetics <br />Potential Effect <br />Impact AES-1: Development consistent with the Housing Element Update, rezonings, and General <br />Plan and Specific Plan Amendments would not have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista. <br />(Draft Program EIR, Page 3.1-17.) <br />Findings: Less than significant impact. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The city is surrounded by various scenic resources, including hillsides, <br />ridge views, vast open spaces, valleys, arroyos, and canals. Many of these resources are visible from <br />the eligible and officially designated State Scenic Highways that have been identified as in or near <br />the city. Views of the scenic resources surrounding the city could be visible from the potential sites <br />for housing. The City has adopted extensive policies and programs that protect scenic vistas and <br />other scenic resources and guide the integration of new development with the natural environment. <br />Consistent with these policies and programs, all future development would be required to undergo <br />review for conformance with Objective Design Standards. As described in the Municipal Code, <br />Chapter 18.20, review for conformance with Objective Design Standards, is intended to preserve and <br />enhance the city’s aesthetic values and to ensure the preservation of the public health, safety, and <br />general welfare. A design review application is reviewed to ensure it reflects a proper relationship to <br />the site and surrounding areas and consistency with the Municipal Code, approved plans and/or <br />guidelines, and City policies/standards. The City’s review for conformance with Objective Design