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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br /> <br /> <br />6 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/FOF/21480022 Pleasanton Housing Element FOF.docx <br />The City published a Final Program EIR for the Housing Element Update on January 3, 2023. The Final <br />Program EIR consists of the comments received on significant environmental issues during the 45- <br />day public review and comment period on the Draft Program EIR, written responses to those <br />comments, revisions to the Draft Program EIR, and an Errata making minor, non-substantive changes <br />to the Final EIR. Responses were sent to all public agencies that made comments on the Draft <br />Program EIR at least 10 days prior to certification of the Final Program EIR pursuant to State CEQA <br />Guidelines Section 15088(b). The Final Program EIR was also made available for review on the City’s <br />website and at A duly noticed public hearing for <br />adoption of the Housing Element Update will be held by the City on January 26, 2023. <br />City of Pleasanton subsequently considered all oral and written comments regarding environmental <br />issues in the Final Program EIR and determined, based on all of the evidence presented, including <br />but not limited to the Program EIR, written and oral testimony given at public meetings and hearings <br />in connection therewith, and the submission of comments from the public, organizations and <br />regulatory agencies, as well as all other relevant information in the administrative record, the <br />following environmental impacts associated with the Housing Element Update are: (1) less than <br />significant and do not require mitigation; or (2) potentially significant but will be avoided or reduced <br />to a level of insignificance through the identified mitigation measures; or (3) significant and cannot <br />be fully mitigated to a level of less than significant but will be substantially lessened to the extent <br />feasible by the identified mitigation measures. <br />The City of Pleasanton concludes that implementation of development consistent with the Housing <br />Element Update could result in potentially significant and significant adverse environmental impacts. <br />Accordingly, as discussed above, the City of Pleasanton is required to make certain findings with <br />respect to these impacts pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15091. Accordingly, the City of <br />Pleasanton hereby makes these required findings of fact, as set forth in this document (“Findings”). <br />For these Findings, references to the “Program EIR” shall mean, collectively, the Draft Program EIR, <br />all appendices attached to the Draft Program EIR, and the Final Program EIR (consisting of the <br />Introduction, Errata, and Responses to Comments). These Findings summarize the environmental <br />determinations about the Housing Element Update’s significant impacts before and after mitigation, <br />and summarize the Housing Element Update’s individual and cumulative impacts. These Findings do <br />not attempt to describe the full analysis of each environmental impact. Instead, they provide a <br />summary description of each significant impact and the applicable mitigation measures identified in <br />the Program EIR and adopted by the City of Pleasanton and state the conclusions regarding the <br />significance of each impact after incorporation of the identified mitigation measures. A <br />comprehensive explanation of these environmental impact conclusions can be found in the Program <br />EIR, as supplemented and explained in staff reports and materials presented by City of Pleasanton <br />staff, and various project consultants, and other relevant materials in the administrative record. <br />The Program EIR contains substantial evidence to support all the conclusions presented in these <br />Findings.