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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Final EIR Errata <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 3-21 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/4 - Final EIR/21480022 Sec03-00 Errata.docx <br />Page 3.9-4, Fourth Full Paragraph <br />In response to ZONE 7-7, the following paragraph has been revised: <br />Although all creeks feeding the Arroyo de la Laguna are naturally seasonal, Zone 7 releases <br />both stored water from the Del Valle Reservoir and imported water from the South Bay <br />Aqueduct into these creeks. These controlled water releases recharge the local groundwater <br />basin underlying the potential sites for rezoning. Water is available for storage and release <br />subject to the availability of water deliveries from the State Water Project; there may not be <br />any recharge releases for months or years in drought conditions. <br />Page 3.9-33, Third Paragraph <br />In response to ZONE 7-7, the following paragraph has been revised: <br />iv) Impacts to Flood Flows <br />Exhibit 3.9-1 shows the areas that are subject to 100-year and 500-year flooding. Zone 7 is <br />responsible for providing flood protection and water resources to the City regional flood <br />protection to the Livermore-Amador Valley, and is the water wholesale agency supporting <br />four water retailers in the valley – City of Pleasanton, City of Livermore, Cal Water, and <br />DSRSD. To ensure controlled drainage of the Tri-Valley’s surface water runoff, Zone 7 <br />currently manages 39 miles of flood protection channels ranging from concrete-lined <br />channels to natural creeks.2 <br />Section 3.10—Land Use and Planning <br />Page 3.10-8, Third Paragraph <br />In response to FOOTHILL-4, the following paragraph has been revised: <br />The UGB in relation to the potential sites for rezoning is shown in Exhibit 2-3, in Chapter 2, <br />Project Description, and the UGB in relation to the Dublin-Pleasanton BART station property <br />in provided in Figure 2-1 in the Project Description. All the potential sites for housing are <br />within the UGB apart from Site 22 (Merritt) Site 1 (Lester); the eastern half of Site 22 <br />(Merritt) Site 1 (Lester) is within the UGB while the western half lies just outside the UGB. <br />Page 3.10-13, Second Full Paragraph <br />To provide clarification, the following paragraph has been revised: <br />Zoning <br />The existing zoning designation for each site is provided in Exhibit 2-4b and the proposed <br />zoning is provided in Exhibit 2-5b. All the potential sites for rezoning would be rezoned to <br />allow for residential development under a PUD district, subject to conformance with an <br />established set of Objective Design Standards. The Dublin-Pleasanton BART station property <br />is currently zoned Planned Unit Development-Mixed Use (PUD-MU), but allowable density <br />would increase in line with that required to be permitted under AB 2923. Several of the sites <br /> <br />2 City of Pleasanton. 2005. 2005 Pleasanton General Plan 2025, Public Safety Element.