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8. INDEMNIFICATION: <br /> a) LICENSEE shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold LICENSOR harmless from and <br /> against all claims by reason of any injury to or death of any person and damage to any <br /> property, of any kind whatsoever arising out of, resulting from, or in any way related to <br /> the acts or omissions of LICENSEE, it Board of Directors, officers or employees (other <br /> than LICENSOR and its invitees). <br /> b) LICENSOR shall indemnify, defend protect, and hold LICENSEE harmless from and <br /> against all claims by reason of any injury to or death of any person and damage to any <br /> property, of any kind whatsoever arising out of, resulting from, or in any way related to <br /> the acts or omissions of LICENSOR, its Board of Supervisors, officers or employees <br /> (other than LICENSEE and its invitees). <br /> 9. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: <br /> LICENSEE shall take out and maintain during the life of this License all the insurance <br /> required by this section and shall submit certificate for review and approval by LICENSOR. <br /> No construction on or use of the Trail shall commence until such insurance has been <br /> approved by LICENSOR. The certificates shall be on forms provided by LICENSOR or the <br /> insurance carrier. Acceptance of the certificates shall not relieve LICENSEE of any of the <br /> insurance requirements, nor decrease the liability of LICENSEE of any of the insurance <br /> requirements, nor decrease the liability of LICENSEE. LICENSOR reserves the right to <br /> require LICENSEE to provide insurance policies for review by LICENSOR. <br /> a) Worker's Compensation Insurance. LICENSEE shall take out and maintain Worker's <br /> Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance for all of its employees on the trail. <br /> LICENSEE shall require any contractor that it hires or subcontractor performing work on <br /> the trail to provide it with evidence of Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability <br /> Insurance, all in strict compliance with California State laws. <br /> b) Public Liability Insurance._ LICENSEE shall take out and maintain, during the term of <br /> this License or any extension thereof, Comprehensive Automobile and General Liability <br /> Insurance that provides protection from claims which may arise from operations or <br /> performance under this License. LICENSEE shall require any contractor that it hires or <br /> subcontractor performing work on the trail to provide evidence of the same liability <br /> insurance coverage. The amounts of insurance shall be not less than the following: <br /> Single limit coverage applying to Bodily and Personal Injury Liability and Property <br /> Damage: $1,000;000 per occurrence. <br /> c) Endorsements. The following endorsements must be indicated on the certificate. <br /> (1) Alameda County, its board, officers and employees are additional insureds under <br /> the policy as to the work and operations being performed under this License; <br /> 4 <br /> Prop.Mgt.SP.EastBayRegionaIParkDistrict.Trail.9/97 <br />