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(GST License), entered into in 1996. All rights granted to LICENSEE hereunder are subject <br /> to all existing and future rights, right of way, reservations, franchises licenses and easements <br /> in the Property, regardless of who holds the same, including LICENSOR's rights to use the <br /> Trail for any other purpose and all revenue generated by said uses shall belong to <br /> LICENSOR. <br /> 5. SUSPENSION OR LIMITATION OF USE: <br /> LICENSOR and its permittees shall have the right to suspend or to limit the use of the Trail <br /> by LICENSEE and the general public for a reasonable amount of time for protection of <br /> public safety, or for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance or repair of other <br /> facilities on or in the Property. Should such suspension or limitation be necessary, <br /> LICENSOR shall provide LICENSEE thirty (30) days' prior notice in writing, except in <br /> cases of emergency maintenance or repairs. Upon completion of any work by LICENSOR or <br /> its permittees within the property, LICENSOR shall restore the ground surface as nearly as <br /> possible to its pre-existing grade and shall restore any facilities or improvements installed by <br /> LICENSEE including, but not limited to, fencing, paving, landscaping, bridges or drainage <br /> structures. <br /> 6. REVOCATION: <br /> In the event the primary uses of the Property by LICENSOR or LICENSOR's permittees <br /> require some permanent use of a portion or portions of the Property which, by nature thereof, <br /> precludes LICENSEE's use thereof, LICENSOR may, upon six-months' prior written notice, <br /> revoke this License as to the area required for such permanent primary use. LICENSOR <br /> shall supply LICENSEE with a map or drawing identifying the area(s) as to which this <br /> License is so revoked. Prior to and during the six-month revocation period LICENSOR <br /> agrees to actively work with LICENSEE to develop alternatives that, if possible, will <br /> accommodate both LICENSOR's primary use and LICENSEE's trail. In the event of such <br /> revocation, LICENSOR will make every reasonable effort to provide an alternate Trail route <br /> upon the Property. <br /> 7. MAINTENANCE AND LITTER: <br /> During the term of this License, LICENSEE shall maintain consistent with LICENSEE's <br /> standards the Property, including the Trail, in a clean, safe and presentable condition, free <br /> from'waste, litter, and other items incidental to Trail use and left by parties other than <br /> LICENSOR and its permittees. As used in this section,the term "litter" shall include, but not <br /> be limited to, paper, garbage, refuse, dead animals, trimming and other items that detract <br /> from the neat and tidy appearance of the Property. If LICENSEE fails to keep the Property <br /> litter free then, after (30) days' prior written notice specifying the needed work, LICENSOR <br /> may perform or hire the necessary work at the reasonable expense of LICENSEE, which <br /> expense LICENSOR agrees to pay to LICENSOR upon demand. <br /> 3 <br /> Prop.M gt.SP.EastBayRegi onalParkDistrict.Trai 1.9/97 <br />