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DRAFT <br />35 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br />• Funding Source: Planning Division Budget, Housing Division Budget <br />• Quantified Objective: Amend the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and achieve higher <br />proportions and/or lower affordability levels of inclusionary units from projects approved <br />consistent with the amended Ordinance <br /> <br />Program 2.2 <br />Require new commercial development to pay the Lower-Income Housing Fee established by City <br />Ordinance and adopted by the City, or to otherwise mitigate demand for new employee housing <br />as allowed by the Pleasanton Municipal Code (e.g., through construction of units or dedication of <br />land). Regularly evaluate the amount of these fees to ensure that they: (1) remain commensurate <br />with the needs generated by the development; (2) are established at a level proportionate with <br />the actual cost to provide new housing; and (3) are in conformance with state law while ensuring <br />that Pleasanton remains locally and regionally competitive in attracting new commercial <br />investment. <br />• Responsible Agency: Housing Division, Planning Division, Economic Development <br />Department <br />• Time Period: Evaluate fee and adopt new fee as appropriate (December 2025) <br />• Funding Source: Planning Division Budget, Housing Division Budget <br /> <br />Program 2.3 <br />Regularly review the Lower-Income Housing Fee for market-rate residential development, <br />including consideration of adjustments to the fee within the amounts supportable by the existing <br />Nexus Study to ensure the fee reflects the cost to mitigate demand for new affordable housing <br />created by new development, and while ensuring that fee levels remain such that they do not <br />present an undue constraint to housing production. As part of the review of existing fees, evaluate <br />and change the basis of the residential fee to be structured on a per square foot basis, so as to <br />incentivize the production of smaller units. <br />• Responsible Agency: Planning Division, Housing Division <br />• Time Period: Review and consider updates to fees based on existing Nexus Study <br />(January 2025); commence comprehensive Nexus Study update (January 2026); adopted <br />amended fees based on comprehensive Nexus Study update, including fees on a per <br />square foot basis (October 2026) <br />• Funding Source: Planning Division Budget, Housing Division Budget <br />