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20 <br /> <br />990052\01\3407083.1 <br />Government Code Provision Housing Element Compliance <br />(c) A nonvacant site identified pursuant to paragraph (3) or (4) of subdivision (a) in a <br />prior housing element and a vacant site that has been included in two or more <br />consecutive planning periods that was not approved to develop a portion of the locality’s <br />housing need shall not be deemed adequate to accommodate a portion of the housing <br />need for lower income households that must be accommodated in the current housing <br />element planning period unless the site is zoned at residential densities consistent with <br />paragraph (3) of this subdivision and the site is subject to a program in the housing <br />element requiring rezoning within three years of the beginning of the planning period to <br />allow residential use by right for housing developments in which at least 20 percent of <br />the units are affordable to lower income households. An unincorporated area in a <br />nonmetropolitan county pursuant to clause (ii) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3) shall <br />not be subject to the requirements of this subdivision to allow residential use by right. <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.2.4: Methodology <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.3.4: Housing Sites <br />Table <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4.B: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 1.4 <br />(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, for a local government that fails to adopt a housing <br />element that the department has found to be in substantial compliance with state law <br />within 120 days of the statutory deadline in Section 65588 for adoption of the housing <br />element, rezoning pursuant to this subdivision shall be completed no later than one year <br />from the statutory deadline in Section 65588 for adoption of the housing element. <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4.B: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 1.4 <br />(c) The analysis shall determine whether the inventory can provide for a variety of types <br />of housing, including multifamily rental housing, factory-built housing, mobilehomes, <br />housing for agricultural employees, supportive housing, single-room occupancy units, <br />emergency shelters, and transition housing, and whether the inventory affirmatively <br />furthers fair housing <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.2.3: Density and <br />Capacity Assumptions <br />• Section B.2.4: Methodology <br /> <br />(c) The city or county shall determine the number of housing units that can be <br />accommodated on each site as follows: <br /> <br />(c)(1) If local law or regulations require the development of a site at a minimum density, <br />the department shall accept the planning agency’s calculation of the total housing unit <br />capacity on that site based on the established minimum density. If the city or county does <br />not adopt a law or regulation requiring the development of a site at a minimum density, <br />then it shall demonstrate how the number of units determined for that site pursuant to this <br />subdivision will be accommodated. <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology <br />• Section B.2.3: Density and <br />Capacity Assumptions <br />• Section B.2.4: Methodology <br />Appendix B: Sites Inventory & <br />Methodology