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8 <br /> <br />990052\01\3407083.1 <br />Government Code Provision Housing Element Compliance <br />units that were developed pursuant to a local inclusionary housing program or used to <br />qualify for a density bonus pursuant to Section 65915. <br />(a)(9)(A) The analysis shall include a listing of each development by project name and <br />address, the type of governmental assistance received, the earliest possible date of <br />change from low-income use, and the total number of elderly and nonelderly units that <br />could be lost from the locality’s low-income housing stock in each year during the 10- <br />year period. For purposes of state and federally funded projects, the analysis required by <br />this subparagraph need only contain information available on a statewide basis. <br />Appendix A: Housing Needs <br />Assessment <br />• Section A.5.4: At-Risk Housing <br />Assessment <br />(a)(9)(B) The analysis shall estimate the total cost of producing new rental housing that <br />is comparable in size and rent levels, to replace the units that could change from low- <br />income use, and an estimated cost of preserving the assisted housing developments. This <br />cost analysis for replacement housing may be done aggregately for each five-year period <br />and does not have to contain a project-by-project cost estimate. <br />Not applicable (no at-risk housing) <br />(a)(9)(C) The analysis shall identify public and private nonprofit corporations known to <br />the local government that have legal and managerial capacity to acquire and manage <br />these housing developments. <br />Appendix G: Housing Resources <br />• Section G.1.1: Local Resources <br />• Section G.1.2: Regional <br />Resources <br />(a)(9)(D) The analysis shall identify and consider the use of all federal, state, and local <br />financing and subsidy programs that can be used to preserve, for lower income <br />households, the assisted housing developments, identified in this paragraph, including, <br />but not limited to, federal Community Development Block Grant Program funds, tax <br />increment funds received by a redevelopment agency of the community, and <br />administrative fees received by a housing authority operating within the community. In <br />considering the use of these financing and subsidy programs, the analysis shall identify <br />the amounts of funds under each available program that have not been legally obligated <br />for other purposes and that could be available for use in preserving assisted housing <br />developments. <br />Appendix G: Housing Resources <br />• Section G.1: Financial and <br />Administrative Resources <br />(b) (1) A statement of the community’s goals, quantified objectives, and policies relative <br />to affirmatively furthering fair housing and to the maintenance, preservation, <br />improvement, and development of housing. <br />Appendix F: AFFH <br />• Section F.6: Contributing <br />Factors and Meaningful Actions <br />(2) It is recognized that the total housing needs identified pursuant to subdivision (a) may <br />exceed available resources and the community’s ability to satisfy this need within the <br />Main Body: