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3 <br /> <br />990052\01\3407083.1 <br />Government Code Provision Housing Element Compliance <br />(a)(4)(A) The identification of a zone or zones where emergency shelters are allowed as <br />a permitted use without a conditional use or other discretionary permit. The identified <br />zone or zones shall include sufficient capacity to accommodate the need for emergency <br />shelter identified in paragraph (7), except that each local government shall identify a <br />zone or zones that can accommodate at least one year-round emergency shelter. <br />Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.2: Land Use <br />Controls <br />• Table C-7: Potential Emergency <br />Shelter sites <br />(a)(4)(A) If the local government cannot identify a zone or zones with sufficient <br />capacity, the local government shall include a program to amend its zoning ordinance to <br />meet the requirements of this paragraph within one year of the adoption of the housing <br />element. The local government may identify additional zones where emergency shelters <br />are permitted with a conditional use permit. <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 5.6 (#5) <br />(a)(4)(A) The local government shall also demonstrate that existing or proposed permit <br />processing, development, and management standards are objective and encourage and <br />facilitate the development of, or conversion to, emergency shelters. <br />Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.2: Land Use <br />Controls <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 5.6 <br />(a)(4)(B) Emergency shelters may only be subject to those development and <br />management standards that apply to residential or commercial development within the <br />same zone except that a local government may apply written, objective standards that <br />include all of the following: <br />(i) The maximum number of beds or persons permitted to be served nightly by the <br />facility. <br />(ii) Sufficient parking to accommodate all staff working in the emergency shelter, <br />provided that the standards do not require more parking for emergency shelters than <br />other residential or commercial uses within the same zone. <br />(iii) The size and location of exterior and interior onsite waiting and client intake areas. <br />(iv) The provision of onsite management. <br />(v) The proximity to other emergency shelters, provided that emergency shelters are not <br />required to be more than 300 feet apart. <br />(vi) The length of stay. <br />(vii) Lighting. <br />(viii) Security during hours that the emergency shelter is in operation. <br />Main Body: <br />• Section 4: Goals, Policies, and <br />Programs, Program 5.6.5 <br />Appendix C: Housing Constraints <br />• Section C.2.2: Land Use <br />Controls