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DRAFT <br />59 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br />Program 7.5 <br />Conduct outreach to educate the community about affordable housing and its benefits to the <br />community. This would include multi-lingual educational flyers with graphics and photographs <br />showing examples of affordable housing projects in Pleasanton and/or the surrounding region <br />(e.g., Tri-Valley, East Bay, etc.). <br />• Responsible Agency: Planning Division, Housing Division <br />• Time Period: Prepare outreach materials by March 2024 and distribute throughout the <br />planning period biannually <br />• Funding Source: Planning Division Budget, Housing Division Budget <br />• Quantified Objective: The aim is to eliminate appeals filed against City approvals of <br />affordable housing developments <br />4.C Quantified Objectives <br />Table 5-1 presents the City’s quantified objectives for construction, preservation, and <br />rehabilitation for the 2023 – 2031 planning period that will be achieved through the policies and <br />programs described above. <br />Table 5-1: Quantified Objectives <br />Program Type/Affordability Extremely <br />Low1 Very Low Low Moderate Above <br />Moderate Total <br />New Construction 875 875 1,008 894 2,313 5,965 <br />Rehabilitation 5 5 5 - - 15 <br />Conservation/Preservation 19 509 564 31 - 1,123 <br />Total 899 1,389 1,577 925 2,313 7,103 <br />1 The City estimates 50% of the very low households would qualify as extremely low income. <br />