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Draft Housing Element December 14, 2022 <br />20 of 21 <br /> <br />Alternatives <br />The City Council may ultimately elect to include any of the sites on the potential <br />rezoning list including those which staff has currently excluded (Areas 11, 12, 20, 4, 15, <br />24, and 26). The Council may also remove any of the sites that staff is currently <br />suggesting remain in the Draft Housing Element. When removing sites, however, the <br />RHNA must still be met across all income categories. Thus, if sites are removed, other <br />sites must be added in that cover the unit count removed , and caution must be taken to <br />avoid, in particular, creating a shortfall of very-low and low-income capacity. <br /> <br />If the Council was interested removing additional sites without replacing with other sites <br />identified to be removed already, for Area 23 (Sunol), the original set of parcels <br />identified for this site can be added back into consideration. The assumed capacity <br />would increase to 718 units and the max capacity would increase to 956 units. This <br />option would increase the units on this site and allow the Council to remove other sites. <br />However, it is more likely that this site will be acceptable to HCD if the two parcels <br />without owner interest are not included as part of it. <br /> <br />In addition, the Council may increase the low end of density ranges for other sites which <br />would increase site capacities. If the minimum densities are increased, additional sites <br />could be removed.2 <br /> <br />PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENTS <br />Notice of this item was published in The Valley Times and an email notification was sent <br />to all interested parties who have signed up on the Housing Element website: <br /> Additionally, courtesy notices were mailed to rezone <br />property owners. Staff has received one public comments at time of agenda report <br />publication, Exhibit G. Staff has also attached, public comments received since the last <br />City Council meeting on July 19, 2023. <br /> <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends the Planning Commission: <br />• Review and provide feedback on the 6th Cycle (2023-2031) Draft Housing <br />Element Update modifications; and <br />• Review and provide feedback on the proposed rezone site list for inclusion in the <br />Housing Element. <br /> <br />NEXT STEPS <br />Beyond this current round of review and comment, several critical steps remain in the <br />Housing Element process, summarized below: <br />• Revised Draft Housing Element and Sites (December 2022): In addition to <br />this meeting, the Housing Commission (December 12) provided feedback on the <br /> <br />2 Since the Environmental Impact Report analyzed density at the maximum end of the range, the City could raise <br />minimum densities and remain within the amount of development analyzed in the EIR.