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TREE SPECIES TRUNK HERITAGE CONDITION SUITABILITY COMMENTSNo. DIAMETER TREE?0=deadfor(in.) 1=poorPRESERVATION5=excel.Tree Assessment 535 Sycamore RoadPleasanton CAFebruary 201898 Valley oak 13 No 3 Low At fence; off-site; flat form to E./W.; codominant trunks @ 5' & 9'.99 Valley oak 22 Yes 4 Moderate At fence; off-site; codominant trunks @ 8'; typical form & structure; canopy extends into project.100 Valley oak 21 Yes 3 Low At fence; off-site; codominant trunks @ 6'; crown a wedge to N. & E.; canopy extends into project.150 Valley oak 17 No 3 Low Street; leans N. but one-sided to S. 151 Coast live oak 13,11 Yes 3 Low Codominant trunks @ 1'; twist around one another then separate.152 Calif. black walnut 34 Yes 4 Moderate Multiple attachments @ 7'; round form; cavity @ 1' on W.153 Coast redwood 15 No 3 Low Typical form & structure; thin canopy. 154 Coast redwood 17 Yes 4 Moderate Typical form & structure. Heritage by height.155 Coast redwood 17 Yes 4 Moderate Typical form & structure; codominant trunks high on crown. Heritage by height.156 Coast redwood 8 No 3 Moderate Typical form & structure; thin canopy. 157 Baileys acacia 22 Yes 1 Low Just poor; leans E.; decay @ base & 12'; lost central leader.158 Coast redwood 8 No 4 Moderate Typical form & structure; thin canopy. 159 Coast redwood 7 No 2 Low Declining.160 Baileys acacia 8 No 2 Low Poor form & structure; leans S.161 Coast redwood 22 Yes 3 Low Typical form & structure; very thin canopy. 162 Coast redwood 24 Yes 3 Low Typical form & structure; very thin canopy. 163 Valley oak 11 No 3 Low Rangy form.164 Italian cypress 8 No 5 High Typical form & structure.Page 4