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TREE SPECIES TRUNK HERITAGE CONDITION SUITABILITY COMMENTSNo. DIAMETER TREE?0=deadfor(in.) 1=poorPRESERVATION5=excel.Tree Assessment 535 Sycamore RoadPleasanton CAFebruary 201880 Coast redwood 18 Yes 4 Moderate Typical form & structure; crowded; thin canopy. Heritage by height.81 Coast redwood 11 No 4 Moderate Typical form & structure; crowded; thin canopy.82 Coast redwood 15 No 4 Moderate Typical form & structure; crowded; thin canopy.83 Coast redwood 9 No 4 Moderate Typical form & structure; crowded; thin canopy.84 Coast redwood 8 No 3 Moderate Typical form & structure; thin canopy.85 Coast redwood 33,32 Yes 4 Moderate Huge base & 32" stem push against retaining wall; codominant trunks @ base; 33" sweeps upright.86 Elderberry 6,6,3,3,2 No 3 Low Bowed flat to N.; typical form & structure.87 Coast redwood 16 Yes 4 Moderate Typical form & structure; crowded; thin canopy. Heritage by height.88 Coast redwood 18 Yes 4 Moderate Typical form & structure; crowded; thin canopy.89 Coast redwood 9 No 3 Moderate Typical form & structure; thin canopy.90 Coast redwood 44 Yes 4 Moderate Off-site; base pushing thru fence; canopy hangs over project; typical form & structure; thin canopy.91 Coast redwood 13 No 5 High Typical form & structure.92 Coast redwood 10 No 5 High Typical form & structure.93 Coast redwood 13 No 5 High Typical form & structure.94 Valley oak 24 Yes 4 Moderate At fence; off-site; codominant trunks @ 5'; typical form & structure; canopy extends into project.95 Coast redwood 12 No 3 Low Typical form & structure; very thin canopy.96 Valley oak 18 Yes 4 HighAt fence; off-site; vase-shaped crown due to several codominant attachments; canopy extends into project.97 Valley oak 13 No 3 Low At fence; off-site; bowed flat to N. & E.; canopy extends into project.Page 3