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BACKGROUND <br /> The City of Pleasanton is bordered on three sides by two major freeways and one <br /> highway, all of which are heavily traveled thoroughfares. The volume of cut through <br /> traffic within the city increases significantly when the highways experience long delays <br /> due to collisions or traffic. These conditions create many challenges which culminate in <br /> an increase in injury collisions; two of the most significant issues are noted below. <br /> Distracted Driving <br /> Advancements are occurring in mobile technology, leading drivers to utilize their phones <br /> more frequently; this mobile communication dependency contributes to distracted <br /> driving. When drivers are distracted by their phone or other electronic devices, they may <br /> run red lights, illegally turn in front of vehicles, or unknowingly increase the speed of the <br /> vehicle. <br /> Bicycle Safety <br /> The topography and amenities in Pleasanton attract many local and out of town bicycle <br /> enthusiasts. Additionally, a significant number school-age children ride bicycles to <br /> elementary schools and junior high schools. Bicycle collision data involving youth <br /> suggests a need to increase rider safety by educating youth on bicycle safety and <br /> awareness, and the importance of wearing a properly fitted helmet. <br /> The Police Department participates with surrounding police departments in a <br /> collaborative effort to address current traffic safety trends in each city, referred to as the <br /> Concentrated Intensive Traffic Enforcement (CITE) team. Participating motorcycle <br /> officers saturate the hosting agency's jurisdiction and address primary collision factors, <br /> in an effort to reduce collisions. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> The State Office of Traffic Safety STEP grant, included as Attachment 2, focuses on a <br /> comprehensive approach to enforce and encourage compliance with seat belt use, <br /> impaired driving, speed limit, and other traffic laws. As education and enforcement are <br /> two important components of collision reduction, the Police Department will use the <br /> grant funding to augment enforcement to lower the number of injury collisions, <br /> bicycle/pedestrian collisions, and reduce distracted drivers by concentrating on roadway <br /> violations. As well, the grant funding will provide educational programs for <br /> bicycle/pedestrian safety focused on school-aged bicyclists. <br /> The Police Department will communicate with the community via social and local media, <br /> sign boards and the City's website to increase community awareness and attention to <br /> specific traffic related issues that are contributing toward collisions, thereby assisting in <br /> reducing the number of collisions within the city. <br /> CONCLUSION <br /> Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution (Attachment 2) accepting the <br /> $50,000 in STEP grant funding and appropriate the funds to programs that further traffic <br /> safety within the city. The grant award will allow the Police Department to perform <br /> overtime operations related to DUI saturation patrols and traffic enforcement operations <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />