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In response to Councilmember Arkin, Chief Building Official Queirolo clarified both the first and second <br /> elements of the staff's recommendation apply to single-family, duplex, and triplex units. He confirmed <br /> the accessibility options are things a builder would do at the request of the buyer or renter. He clarified <br /> the Universal Design ordinance would be for larger developments and the checklist for smaller ones. <br /> He clarified when rental units are built they do not know who will rent them so the CBC's adaptability <br /> requirements cover ADA concerns if the eventual renter has a disability. <br /> In response to Councilmember Testa, Chief Building Official Queirolo advised the CBC allows for the <br /> option of a tub shower or a roll-in shower because people have different disabilities. He advised <br /> adaptable units also have to have options available in the kitchen to serve different types of disabilities. <br /> He confirmed these requirements already exist for covered multi-family buildings. <br /> In response to Councilmember Narum, Chief Building Official Queirolo clarified if the unit is rented in <br /> the future the adaptability requirements would not apply because the decision was made by the original <br /> buyer. He confirmed the Universal Design ordinance could apply to for-sale and rental units. <br /> In response to Councilmember Narum, Director Clark reported that the phrase "when feasible" needs to <br /> stay because there has to be some flexibility for the building official. She advised the staff's intent is to <br /> have the condition be enforced as comprehensively as possible but noted that sometimes there is a <br /> valid reason why something cannot be done. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch, Director Clark clarified the checklist would be presented during <br /> the purchasing process to provide an opportunity to select features for the unit while the Model <br /> Universal Design ordinance gives the City the ability to require options for additional accessibility in <br /> single-family, duplex, and triplex units. She confirmed the only element of this item impacting future <br /> rental construction is the project-specific COAs along with the CBC requirements themselves. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Chief Building Official Queirolo confirmed this would only apply to new <br /> construction and not remodels no matter how extensive the work. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Interim City Manager Dolan confirmed if a renter wants a building owner <br /> to convert a tub to a roll-in shower the owner has a right to refuse. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Chief Building Official Queirolo advised every kitchen appliance has a <br /> required clear space in front of it for maneuverability and explained appliances are required to have <br /> accessible front controls. He noted the CBC has specifications for swinging doors but does not require <br /> sliding pocket doors. <br /> Mayor Brown opened the public hearing. There being so speakers, the public hearing was closed. <br /> In response to Councilmember Arkin, Director Clark advised there is a lot of detail in the first staff <br /> recommendation and the more appropriate time to delve into specifics would be during a Planning <br /> Commission and City Council review once it comes back. She confirmed a majority of cities make the <br /> items optional while a few mandate items. She explained with both the Universal Design ordinance and <br /> checklist the costs would be passed from the builder onto the buyer. <br /> In response to Councilmember Arkin, Director Clark clarified larger developments will have elevator <br /> service to every floor so every unit would be subject to the COAs. She advised most of the items on the <br /> COA list are low-cost and could be used by all residents regardless of their potential disability status. <br /> She confirmed these costs would be the responsibility of the builder and not the renter. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Chief Building Official Queirolo clarified the CBC stipulates that publicly- <br /> funded housing requires 5% of units to have mobility features and 2% to have hearing and visual <br /> impairment features. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 10 of 15 April 19. 2022 <br />
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