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In response to Councilmember Testa, City Attorney Sodergren reported there have been several <br /> changes to the Public Records Act involving police records. He reported when there is a major incident, <br /> there is usually a criminal investigation by the Alameda County DA and an internal administrative <br /> investigation. He explained, that by law, those records are withheld until the completion of the <br /> investigations to ensure the investigations are not tainted. He advised there is only a very limited <br /> amount of material that can be released before the investigations. <br /> Councilmember Balch commended the PPD for providing training above and beyond POST's minimum <br /> standards for community benefit. He agreed the CAB is not intended to be an extension of the PPD but <br /> an attempt to bridge the divide with the residents. He commended the traffic stop class, noting it <br /> produces anxiety for even experienced drivers let alone young drivers. <br /> Councilmember Balch advised this report reflects a more-open PPD and explained it is the sort of <br /> collaboration the community is looking for, along with the creation of the CAB. He thanked the officers <br /> for their service. <br /> 26. Consider and provide direction on additional measures to provide enhanced accessibility and <br /> universal design features in new residential development <br /> Community Development Director Ellen Clark reported the item is to improve residential units for the <br /> disabled. <br /> Chief Building Official Robert Queirolo provided the California Building Code (CBC)'s definition of <br /> accessibility and the principle of universal design. He reviewed the 1990 federal Americans with <br /> Disabilities Act (ADA) and the CBC covers privately funded multifamily buildings, commercial buildings, <br /> and publicly-funded buildings but does not apply to single-family, duplex, or triplex units built with <br /> private funds. He noted the CBC allows for adaptable units so they can be altered for disabled <br /> residents with only small modifications. <br /> Chief Building Official Queirolo reported the CBC is adopted into the Pleasanton Municipal Code (PMC) <br /> but reported local amendments for more stringent accessibility requirements than those specified in the <br /> CBC are not permissible with only limited exceptions for reasons like climatic or geological conditions. <br /> AB 2787 allows the City to have a Model Universal Design Ordinance, AB 1400 allows for a Universal <br /> Design Checklist, and the City can have Project-Specific Conditions of Approval (COA). <br /> Chief Building Official Queirolo recommended the City Council direct staff to draft a Universal Design <br /> ordinance for single-family, duplex, and triplex units. He recommended the City Council direct staff to <br /> develop and implement a Universal Design Checklist for residential developments over a specified <br /> number of units. He recommended the City Council direct staff to update the current COAs for new <br /> covered multifamily projects over 15 units to include additional Universal Design features. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch, Community Development Director Clark clarified the phrase <br /> "when feasible" in the COA section is to provide flexibility for situations where it does not work with the <br /> structure. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch, Director Clark reported the 20-unit figure for an AB 1400 <br /> checklist came from the City of Dublin's ordinance but advised the City Council can always choose a <br /> different threshold. She clarified the checklist would apply to for-sale projects and not rental projects. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch. Director Clark advised if a developer does not comply with a <br /> COA the City could not approve the unit's final inspection or not issue a certificate of occupancy. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 9 of 15 April 19. 2022 <br />
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