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This portion of the agenda is also for any member of the public to address the City Council <br /> on any item of interest to the public that is within the City Council's subject matter <br /> jurisdiction. Speakers are generally limited to three (3) minutes, or as determined by the <br /> Mayor. However, to prepare and preserve a proper administrative record, public <br /> comments concerning an item listed elsewhere on the agenda should be reserved and <br /> addressed to the City Council when that item is called for consideration. <br /> The procedures for public comments during the Meeting Open to the Public are set forth <br /> in Section 11 Public Participation. <br /> 9.5 Public Hearings and Other Matters <br /> The public hearing and other matters portion of the agenda is reserved for items that <br /> require, by statute or practice, a noticed public hearing for action. The notices for public <br /> hearing items shall be posted in a newspaper of general circulation and mailed to property <br /> owners as required by law. [6060]. This portion of the agenda is also for items for City <br /> Council discussion and action that do not require formal statutory notice and hearing. <br /> The procedures for public hearings and other matters are as follows: <br /> 9.5.1 Introduction <br /> The Mayor shall introduce each item for hearing and consideration. <br /> 9.5.2 Staff Presentation <br /> A member of City staff will then: <br /> a. Introduce themselves and the item by identifying the report and other written <br /> material included in the agenda packet for the City Council's consideration, <br /> as well as any written comments received from the public. <br /> b. Identify any supplemental written materials that have been provided to the <br /> City Council for consideration, which were received or prepared for the item <br /> after the meeting agenda was published. <br /> c. Identify any other staff members or consultants that will be part of the staff <br /> presentation or are otherwise present and available for City Council <br /> questions. <br /> d. State whether the applicant is present and whether the applicant intends to <br /> make a presentation to the City Council. <br /> e. Make an oral report, unless waived by the City Council. <br /> 13 <br />