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City of Pleasanton Article 5. Collection Services <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 57 June 7, 2022 <br />5.14.6 Permanent Changes in Service Days 2021 <br />The regularly scheduled day for Single-Family Collection may be changed with prior written approval from 2022 <br />the City. Once approved, Single-Family Customers shall be notified four (4) weeks prior to any schedule 2023 <br />changes to Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Materials services. Contractor shall not permit 2024 <br />any Customer to go more than seven (7) calendar days without service during a Collection schedule 2025 <br />change. 2026 <br />5.14.7 Load Inspection Program 2027 <br />Contractor shall develop and implement a program to detect and discover Hazardous Waste and shall not 2028 <br />knowingly accept such material at the time of Collection. The load inspection program shall include the 2029 <br />following steps: Collection vehicle drivers shall receive regular training (at least four (4) times annually) 2030 <br />to identify Hazardous Wastes and methods for handling these materials once spotted. All Contractor 2031 <br />facilities shall have waste exclusion programs in place to screen for and eliminate Hazardous Waste from 2032 <br />the materials received. Random inspections of loads Collected and visual screening shall be periodically 2033 <br />conducted by the Contractor at its facilities or at the Approved Disposal Site, Approved Recyclable 2034 <br />Materials Processing Site, or Approved Organic Materials Processing Site when materials are unloaded 2035 <br />from the Collection vehicle. Records of load checks and copies of the employee training records shall be 2036 <br />maintained at Contractor’s facilities. When Hazardous Waste is found, it shall be returned to the 2037 <br />Generator if possible. If the Hazardous Waste cannot be returned to the Generator, Contractor shall place 2038 <br />Hazardous Waste in an authorized storage location and arrange for proper disposal of such material at its 2039 <br />own costs. (See also Sections 5.11 and 5.18.3.) 2040 <br />5.14.8 Improper Set-Out and Non-Collection Notices 2041 <br />Contractor shall instruct all Customers and Generators as to any necessary preparation of materials (e.g., 2042 <br />Source Separation requirements and materials that are Prohibited Container Contaminants), and the 2043 <br />proper placement of Containers for Collection. Contractor shall notify Customers who fail to follow these 2044 <br />instructions by attaching a two (2) inch by six (6) inch tag to the Container with a description of how 2045 <br />Customer has violated such instructions. In the event of non-Collection as a result of such violation, 2046 <br />Contractor shall clearly indicate on the tag the reason for non-Collection and what steps must be taken 2047 <br />by Customer to recommence service. In cases of extreme or repeated failure to comply with the 2048 <br />instructions, Contractor shall notify the City of the Customer’s repeated failures. Contractor shall maintain 2049 <br />a record of non-Collection notices and the reason for non-Collection, in accordance with Sections 6.2 and 2050 <br />6.3. Additionally, the Contractor shall conduct the contamination monitoring and noticing procedures 2051 <br />specified in Section 5.22 and Section 5.24. 2052 <br />5.15 Vehicles 2053 <br />5.15.1 General 2054 <br />Throughout the Term, Contractor shall provide a fleet of Collection vehicles sufficient in number and 2055 <br />capacity to efficiently perform the work required by the Agreement in strict accordance with its terms. 2056 <br />Contractor shall have available sufficient back-up vehicles for each type of Collection vehicle used (e.g., 2057 <br />side loader, front loader, roll-off, etc.) to respond to Complaints and emergencies. 2058