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City of Pleasanton Article 5. Collection Services <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 51 June 7, 2022 <br />Transporting, Processing, and marketing C&D. Residue remaining after C&D Processing shall be 1793 <br />Disposed of by Contractor or the Processing Site Subcontractor at a Disposal Site selected by 1794 <br />Contractor or the Processing Site Subcontractor. Any and all Transfer, Processing, and other 1795 <br />Discarded Materials handling activities performed in the City shall occur only at a facility that is in 1796 <br />compliance with all City permit requirements and all other Applicable Law that applies to operations 1797 <br />at such facility. 1798 <br />B. Processing Arrangements. Contractor shall secure sufficient capacity to Process C&D Collected 1799 <br />under this Agreement and shall cause the Approved C&D Processing Site to Process and market the 1800 <br />C&D. Contractor shall provide the City, upon request, with documentation demonstrating the 1801 <br />availability of such capacity. 1802 <br />If the Contractor provides these services, it shall achieve a Residue level of twenty-five percent 1803 <br />(25%) or less, where the Residue level shall be calculated as 100 multiplied by the monthly Tonnage 1804 <br />of Processing Residue requiring Disposal divided by the total monthly Tonnage of C&D Collected, 1805 <br />taking into account only C&D projects where Contractor Collects all materials. If the Contractor 1806 <br />does not provide these services, it shall contractually require of the third party processor that they 1807 <br />achieve this Residue level. If Contractor cannot obtain such contract provision, so notifies City 1808 <br />Contract Manager, and provides evidence, reasonably satisfactory to the City, that such terms are 1809 <br />not commercially available, the City Contract Manager shall waive this obligation. 1810 <br />Contractor shall keep all existing permits and approvals necessary for use of the C&D Processing 1811 <br />Site(s) in full regulatory compliance or confirm that the Owner or operator of such facility does so. 1812 <br />Contractor shall, upon request, provide copies of permits and/or notices of violation of permits to 1813 <br />the City. 1814 <br />Contractor may change its selection of the Approved C&D Processing Site following City’s written 1815 <br />approval, but Contractor shall not be compensated for any increased Transportation and Processing 1816 <br />costs. Contractor will bear any increased Transportation and Processing costs associated with a 1817 <br />Contractor-initiated change in the Approved C&D Processing Site. In such case, Contractor shall 1818 <br />guarantee the same net Processing Cost specified in Exhibit F or shall increase the net Processing 1819 <br />Costs (if the amount is a net revenue) associated with the use of Processing Site(s) different from 1820 <br />the Approved C&D Processing Site. If Contractor elects to use a C&D Processing Site(s) that is 1821 <br />different than the Approved C&D Processing Site, it shall request written approval from the City 1822 <br />sixty (60) calendar days prior to use of the site and obtain the City’s written approval no later than 1823 <br />ten (10) calendar days prior to use of the site. 1824 <br />Below is information about the Approved C&D Processing Site selected by the Contractor: 1825 <br />• Facility name: Recycling and Resource Recovery Systems, LLC 1826 <br />• Owner: Recycling and Resource Recovery Systems, LLC 1827 <br />• Operator: Recycling and Resource Recovery Systems, LLC 1828 <br />• Address: 3110 Busch Road in Pleasanton, CA 1829 <br />• Contact Person and telephone number: Robert Molinaro (925) 846-2042 1830 <br />• Current term and opportunities for extension of agreement: N/A 1831