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Form 5C MRF <br />Detailed Collection Cost Proposal Information <br />Proposer Name: PLEASANTON GARBAGE SERVICE, INC.RFP Response Dated March 2, 2018 <br />This is a stand alone item and is not included in the Costs seen in other Forms <br />MRF <br />Labor-Related Costs (include regular & pool personnel) <br />Wages - MRF Employees 834,198$ <br />Workers Compensation Insurance Premiums (included in insurance below) <br />Workers Compensation Claims <br />Health & Welfare 358,652 <br />Pension/ Retirement Benefits 43,703 <br />Payroll Taxes 66,736 <br />Other (boots, gloves & ear-plugs) <br />Total Labor Related-Costs $1,303,289 <br />Vehicle& Equipment Related Costs (do not include depreciation) (included below) <br />Tires & Tubes <br />Other (Please List) - <br />Total Vehicle & Equipment-Related Costs $0 <br />Fuel Costs (included with R/M Below) <br />Other Costs <br />Insurance 129,969 <br />Equipment Insurance <br />Training & Safety Programs <br />Uniforms 12,204 <br />Outside Services 8,210 <br />Supplies <br />Oil Collection Bags 4,285 <br />Total Other Costs $154,668 <br />Depreciation <br />Equipment $0 <br />Other Depreciation (please list) <br />TotalDepreciation $0 <br />General & Adminsitrative <br />Owners Salaries $39,863 <br />Payroll Taxes $3,189 <br />G&A Support $83,420 <br />Utilities $28,372 <br />Property Taxes $12,851 <br />Professional Fees $116,906 <br />Diversion Savings $53,532 <br />Handling Savings $89,845 <br />Other $582 <br />Total G&A Costs $428,560 <br />Disposal Cost - this cost is included in SW dumping Cost <br />Interest Expense <br />Related Party Expenses <br />R/M Equipment and Vehicles (PT&E)$144,817 <br />Glass Processing $22,110 <br />Other (Please List) <br />Total Related Party Expenses $166,927 <br />Estimated Annual Cost <br />(July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019)