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City of Pleasanton Exhibit B: Public Education Plan <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page B-3 June 7, 2022 <br />lengths less than five feet and bundles that weigh less than 30 pounds), provide tips for <br />minimizing the “yuck” factor of Food Scraps Collection, and describe appropriate use and <br />placement of Organic Materials Containers. <br />7. Supervise the design and production of four quarterly Single-Family bill inserts covering those <br />educational and topical issues deemed appropriate by the City such as the semi-annual free <br />drop-off events at the Approved Transfer Site, Food Scraps Collection, battery Recycling, holiday <br />tree Recycling, etc. <br />8. Produce corrective actions notices for use in instances where the Resident sets out <br />inappropriate materials. <br />9. Produce educational “Cart hangers” annually, the specifics of which shall be developed through <br />meetings with City Contract Manager or their designee. <br />10. Two weeks prior to Christmas, provide written notification to each Single-Family Customer that <br />Curbside Collection of holiday trees will occur during the first and second week beginning on <br />the Monday following New Year’s Day in accordance with Section 5.4.3 of the Agreement. <br />11. On each bill, Contractor shall include a brief statement to Customers providing service-related <br />announcements such as messages about new services, the on-call clean-up and Bulky Item pick- <br />up services, availability of Cart cleaning services, proper handling of Household Hazardous <br />Waste, holiday tree Collection, etc. <br />12. Contractor shall promote the on-call clean-up service annually by preparing billing inserts to be <br />included in each Single-Family Customer’s bill and by advertising in a minimum of two local <br />newspapers as approved by the City. <br />3. MULTI-FAMILY EDUCATION PROGRAMS <br />A. Initial Public Education Activities <br />13. Within one (1) month of the Commencement Date of this Agreement, Contractor shall prepare <br />and distribute a mailer to Multi-Family Customers explaining any changes from the existing <br />Collection programs to new programs; date of change, etc. <br />B. Continuing Programs Throughout Agreement <br />1. Perform the same public education activities required in the programs for Single-Family <br />Customers continuing activities as described above by preparing and distributing specially <br />designed public education materials for Multi-Family residents with the exception of the <br />following tasks which shall not be performed: <br />• Prepare and distribute quarterly newsletters that creatively inform residents about such <br />topics, as availability of three free on-call clean-up events, bulky item pick-ups, home <br />composting, Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste Collection event, and <br />environmental conservation; <br />• Prepare and distribute annually a bill insert, brochure, and/or feature quarterly newsletter <br />article describing how to prepare Yard Trimmings and Food Scraps for Collection; and,