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City of Pleasanton Article 8. Contractor's Compensation <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 103 June 7, 2022 <br />Rate Period. The actual costs shall be based on the financial statements for the most-3705 <br />recently-completed Rate Period, which shall be submitted in accordance with requirements 3706 <br />of Section 6.3.4. In addition, the application shall present the Contractor’s calculation of the 3707 <br />Rate Adjustment factor, present each Rate for the then-current Rate Period, and each 3708 <br />proposed Rate for the coming Rate Period. Lastly, the application shall include operational 3709 <br />data listed in Section 6.3.4.C. 3710 <br />If the City requests additional information beyond that provided by the Contractor in its 3711 <br />application, the Contractor shall provide all information requested by the City during its 3712 <br />review of the application, including, but not limited to, all information from Related-Party 3713 <br />Entities requested by the City regarding any transactions between Contractor and any 3714 <br />Related-Party Entity pertaining to Contractor's performance under this Agreement. 3715 <br />B. City Review of Application. The Contractor’s Rate application shall be reviewed by the City. The 3716 <br />City Council shall adjust Rates to reflect the adjustments made in accordance with Exhibit H or I 3717 <br />depending on the method used to adjust the Rates that are being approved. The City Council shall 3718 <br />act in good faith to approve such Rate adjustments by July 1 of the Rate Period. The adjusted Rates 3719 <br />shall not take effect until the City Council has approved such Rates. 3720 <br />C. Failure to Adjust Rates by July 1. If the Contractor submits its Rate application on or before the 3721 <br />Rate application date identified in Section 8.3.A, and the City does not approve adjusted Rates to 3722 <br />be effective on or before July 1 of a Rate Period, the City shall include a surcharge on the Rates that 3723 <br />shall be effective for the remainder of the Rate Period to recover Gross Rate Revenues lost by the 3724 <br />Contractor, if any. To determine the amount of lost revenues, if any, the City and Contractor shall 3725 <br />meet and confer to determine the effect the delay in adopting Rates has on the Contractor’s Gross 3726 <br />Rate Revenue. The assessment of the revenue impact shall consider the Contractor’s billing cycle 3727 <br />(e.g., impact to Customers billed in advance and to Customers billed in arrears), the ability of 3728 <br />Contractor to delay issuance of Billings, the payment cycle of Customers, and other variables. 3729 <br />If the Contractor does not submit the application on or before the Rate application date identified 3730 <br />in Section 8.3.A, adjusted Rates may not be approved by July 1. In such case, all Rates shall be 3731 <br />adjusted as soon as practical following approval by the City Council. If the Contractor does not 3732 <br />submit the application by the Rate application date identified in Section 8.3.A, no retroactive 3733 <br />adjustment will be made to allow the Contractor to recover Gross Rate Revenues that it would have 3734 <br />collected, had the Rate adjustment been implemented in accordance with the prescribed schedule. 3735 <br />8.4 Special Rate Reviews 3736 <br />A. Change in Approved Organic Materials or Approved Recyclable Materials Processing Site 3737 <br />1. Eligible Items. The Contractor is entitled to apply to the City for consideration of a special 3738 <br />Rate review, or the City may initiate such a review, to reflect actual, necessary, and 3739 <br />reasonable changes in revenues and the cost to provide services as a result of a City-directed 3740 <br />change in the Approved Organic Materials Processing Site and/or Approved Recyclable 3741 <br />Materials Processing Site. 3742 <br />2. Review of Revenues and Costs. If the Contractor submits an application, the City shall have 3743 <br />the right to review any or all financial and operating records of Contractor, and of Related 3744