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Resolution No. <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br /> serve new development as designated in the Strategic Expenditure Plan. The projects/public <br /> facilities to be funded by the fee are identified in the 2020 Nexus Study and the SEP and the <br /> Prioritization of Projects and Funding Plan. <br /> SECTION 3. Determine how there is a reasonable relationship between the fee's use <br /> and the type of development project upon which the fee is imposed. Response: Based on the <br /> analysis in the 2020 Nexus Study, the new development projects within the Tri-Valley will <br /> generate additional trips which will impact the transportation system in the region, including on <br /> Routes of Regional Significance. As illustrated in the 2020 Nexus Study, the planned projects will <br /> expand and improve capacity on the Routes of Regional Significance and alleviate congestion to <br /> accommodate the increased trips generated by new development. Thus, there is a reasonable <br /> relationship between the use of the fee for these projects and the new development generating <br /> these additional trips on which the fee will be imposed. <br /> SECTION 4. Determine that there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the <br /> public facility and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed. Response: The <br /> need for the planned projects is based on the forecasted increase in congestion on Routes of <br /> Regional Significance, as well as other transportation impacts resulting from new development. <br /> The 2020 Nexus Study analyzed the contribution by each land use based on the proportion of <br /> average AM/PM trips generated by each land use. As demonstrated in the Study, there is a <br /> reasonable relationship between the need for the planned projects and the types of development <br /> upon which the fee is imposed because the planned projects will mitigate the transportation <br /> impacts generated by new development. <br /> SECTION 5. Determine that there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of <br /> the fee and the cost of public facilities or portion of the public facilities attributable to the <br /> development on which the fee is imposed. Response: The 2020 Nexus Study demonstrates that <br /> there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the proposed fee and the cost or portion <br /> of the cost of the public facilities attributable to the development on which the fee is imposed <br /> because each land use category's share of the total trips generated was multiplied by the <br /> applicable project costs and then divided by the total number of units, square feet or trips that will <br /> occur within the development horizon. In this way, there is a reasonable relationship between the <br /> amount of the fee and the cost attributable to each land use type because the fee applicable to <br /> each land use type is based on the number of trips generated by that applicable land use type. <br /> Furthermore, the 2022 TVTDF is proposed to be set at between 6% to 15% of the justified <br /> maximum fee rate and thus, the amount of the fee is lower than the actual costs attributable to <br /> new development. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City of Pleasanton will: <br /> SECTION 1. Require each project developer to pay the TVTDF prior to issuance of <br /> building permits for the project, or no later than occupancy, and to the extent permitted by law; <br /> and <br /> SECTION 2. Levy the TVTDF on all development projects not exempt from payment of <br /> the fee; <br /> SECTION 3. Apply the TVTDF on all significant changes to existing development <br /> agreements adopted after the effective date of the JEPA. The TVTDF shall be applied to all <br /> components of a project that subject to an amended or renewed development agreement. As <br /> used herein, "significant" means any of the following: (a) change in land use type (e.g., office to <br />
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