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Resolution No. <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> WHEREAS, the recommended fee rate is 15% of the Maximum Fee Rate for the duration <br /> of the SEP for all uses except retail and "other" land uses, which are recommended to be set at <br /> 6% and 12% of the Maximum Fee Rates respectively; and <br /> WHEREAS, transit-oriented housing development projects satisfying the criteria in <br /> Government Code 66005.1 may conduct a project-level transportation analysis and a smaller <br /> proportion of the applicable fee may be imposed; and <br /> WHEREAS, the 2022 TVTDF recommended retail rate is $5.07 for FY 22-23 and <br /> increased to $5.92 (7% of the maximum) effective July 1, 2023. All other rates for remaining land <br /> uses will be adjusted per Construction Cost Index (CCI) as of July 11t of each year consistent <br /> with current practice; and <br /> WHEREAS, the TVTC adopted the SEP and Prioritization of Projects and Funding Plan, <br /> which proposes funding for 22 projects (16 projects from New List C and 6 priority list from <br /> previous project lists) over the next 10 years, and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the 2020 Nexus Study, the AB 602 <br /> Supplemental Analysis, and the 2022 SEP and Prioritization of Projects and Funding Plan; and <br /> WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of the Mitigation Fee Act, (1) a public <br /> hearing notice was held by the TVTC and a notice was published in the newspaper and interested <br /> persons were notified 30 days in advance of the TVTC's proposed action on the 2022 TVTDF , <br /> (2) notices were sent to any individuals requesting notices pertaining to fee increases by the City <br /> 14 days in advance of this meeting at which the new 2022 TVTDF is proposed for adoption, (3) <br /> the 2020 Nexus Study, AB 602 Supplemental Analysis, and the 2022 SEP Funding Plan were <br /> available for public review on the TVTC and City's websites, and at City Hall 10 days in advance <br /> of this meeting, and (4) a public hearing notice was published once in the newspaper 10 days in <br /> advance of this meeting. <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT in accordance with Government Code § <br /> 66001(a)) and based on the information presented in the 2020 Nexus Study, the City Council <br /> adopts and approves the 2022 TVTDF rates shown in Table 4 above and makes the following <br /> findings: <br /> SECTION 1. Identify the purpose to which the fee is to be put. Response: TVTC policy, <br /> as expressed through the TVTC Action Plan, is that new development shall contribute for <br /> mitigation of their impacts on Routes of Regional Significance, and that the cost sharing of <br /> recommended improvements will be implemented through the Tri-Valley Transportation <br /> Development Fee regional impact fee program. The fee advances a legitimate public interest by <br /> enabling the TVTC to fund improvements to transportation infrastructure required to <br /> accommodate and mitigate the impacts of new development. This finding is documented by the <br /> analysis of the projected increase in future travel generated by the new development that is <br /> projected to occur in the Tri-Valley. Growth in new residents and employees is projected to <br /> increase cumulative average daily delay on the Tri-Valley regional roadways in the morning and <br /> evening peak hours, excluding effects from more cut-through traffic. <br /> SECTION 2. Identify the use to which the fee is to be put. Response: The TVTDF will be <br /> used to fund projects to expand capacity, traffic signal coordination and other traffic <br /> improvements, improve safety, improve regional transit, improve active transportation/bicycle <br /> options, and mitigate the impacts of additional congestion on Routes of Regional Significance to <br />