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Note that the modification to item (p) does not require roll in showers or an accessible tub <br /> in all units, since, in a large building served by an elevator, all units would be required to <br /> be adaptable, and it may be cost prohibitive, and not necessarily desired by every <br /> resident with a disability to have a roll in shower or accessible tub installed. <br /> SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br /> Staff recommends the City Council: <br /> 1. Direct staff to draft and bring forward for consideration a Universal Design <br /> Ordinance for single-family, duplex and/or triplex units, including recommendations <br /> on mandatory versus voluntary features to be included. <br /> 2. Direct staff to develop and implement a Universal Design Checklist, which through <br /> a condition of approval would be required to be provided by developers of projects <br /> to purchasers of new residential units for any project over a specified number of <br /> units. <br /> 3. Direct staff to update the current condition of approval negotiated for multi-family <br /> projects of 15 or more units, to include additional universal features or <br /> enhancements that may be offered within required adaptable units, with <br /> appropriate flexibility to modify such improvements to the needs of individual <br /> tenants or buyers. Developers shall be strongly encouraged to include this <br /> condition in all multi-family projects of 15 or more units. <br /> Submitte by: Fiscal Review: Approved by: <br /> dizi„. <br /> Ellen Clark Mahin Shah Brian Dolan <br /> Director of Community Interim Director of Finance Interim City Manager <br /> Development <br /> Attachments: <br /> 1. Model Universal Design Ordinance <br /> 2. Example Universal Design Checklist from City of Dublin <br /> Page 7 of 7 <br />