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or eight feet, and having uniform umbrellas. He advised not adding roofs because they could be <br /> considered in the future. <br /> Ms. Campbell reported parking spaces do not always align with the frontage so there will be situations <br /> where both businesses share a parking space. She advised if they do not allow parklets to extend in <br /> front of a neighbor, a business may not be allowed to have a parklet at all. Staffs recommendation is to <br /> not allow it to extend beyond a shared parking space with a neighboring business. <br /> In response to Councilmember Arkin, Ms. Campbell estimates this would only impact about a quarter of <br /> the existing pop-ups with the extensions being just a foot up to half a parking space. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch, Ms. Campbell clarified staff is not recommending allowing <br /> businesses to build parklets away from their frontage in front of another business. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Ms. Campbell clarified both the property owner and tenant business <br /> would have to sign off of the parklet extension. <br /> Councilmember Arkin opposed the idea due to potential future impacts on leasing the neighboring <br /> business. <br /> Councilmember Balch advised the City Council will likely be looking at the parklet program annually so <br /> he supports staff recommendation, noting if this becomes a problem it can be reevaluated. <br /> Mayor Brown noted she would not want someone else's parklet in front of her business. She noted <br /> retailers are not always in favor of the abutting parklets. The dais agreed to adopt the staffs <br /> recommendation for the frontage. <br /> Councilmember Balch expressed support for the design review because someone may come up with <br /> an acceptable idea not included in the kit staff will create. He advised this could potentially create an <br /> earlier restoration and access date for existing parklets. Councilmember Narum agreed. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Councilmember Balch advised businesses would go through the Zoning <br /> Administrator and then could be appealed to the Planning Commission. Planning and Permits Manager <br /> Melinda Denis confirmed they could do staff-level design review but advised there is a second level for <br /> a building plan check and review. She noted the City does not have engineering reports on the existing <br /> parklets so businesses would have to provide documentation from an architect or engineer showing all <br /> specifications are met. She confirmed this could be done in-house. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch, Ms. Denis clarified staff hopes to have a menu of options on the <br /> pre-designed parklets so businesses can have choices, but the platform is engineered properly for <br /> patron safety. She explained the intent is to circumvent the building plan check review. <br /> Councilmembers Balch and Narum expressed support for design review. <br /> In response to Councilmember Arkin, Ms. Denis confirmed there will be some flexibility to have <br /> individuality within a pre-approved design, such as shrubbery boxes. <br /> Councilmember Arkin advised she would support the idea as long as it does not look different and <br /> noted there needs to be standards. Councilmember Balch agreed. <br /> Ms. Campbell advised staff did not look at a fee. only ease of review and inspectors. Design review <br /> does have a time component and could involve a fee. Mayor Brown advised this fee should apply. <br /> Councilmember Balch agreed. Ms. Denis suggested applying the minor planning design review fee for <br /> City Council Minutes Page 15 of 18 December 21. 2021 <br />