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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031(6th Cycle)Housing Element Update <br /> City of Pleasanton Notice of Preparation <br /> Potential Sites for Rezoning <br /> Pursuant to Housing Element law, a housing element must identify potential sites suitable for <br /> redesignation and/or rezoning to accommodate housing needs for all segments of the community. <br /> The potential sites for rezoning were developed consistent with provisions of Government Code <br /> Section 65583.1, which states, in part, that:' <br /> The Department of Housing and Community Development, in evaluating a proposed or <br /> adopted housing element for substantial compliance with this article, may allow a city or <br /> county to identify adequate sites, as required pursuant to Section 65583, by a variety of <br /> methods, including, but not limited to, redesignation of property to a more intense land <br /> use category and increasing the density allowed within one or more categories. <br /> City staff has identified potential sites to be rezoned that can accommodate future housing to <br /> meet the Regional Housing Needs Assessment(RHNA)target. These sites are presented in Table <br /> 1 and Exhibit 2.2 The existing General Plan land use and zoning designation for each site are <br /> provided in Exhibits 4a and 4b, respectively. To present a conservative analysis of potential <br /> environmental impacts, the Program EIR assumes a maximum number of residential units on <br /> each site totaling 7,388 units. It should be noted that while it is unlikely that all the sites would <br /> develop at maximum density, it is entirely too speculative to identify which sites would or would <br /> not develop at maximum density at this time. Therefore, because it is reasonably foreseeable that <br /> some sites would develop at or near to maximum density, this approach provides a conservative <br /> analysis with respect to environmental impacts.Assuming 11.5 accessory dwelling units(ADUs) <br /> would be built per year, over the course of the 8-year planning period,3 it is anticipated that 93 <br /> ADUs would also be constructed. <br /> In 2018,Assembly Bill (AB) 2923 was adopted by the State, which established new minimum <br /> zoning standards for Bay Area Rapid Transit(BART)-owned properties, including a minimum <br /> density of 75 dwelling unit per acre(du/acre) for the Dublin-Pleasanton BART station property <br /> (see Figure 1).Though the Dublin-Pleasanton BART station property is not included as a <br /> potential site for rezoning, the Housing Element Update assumes this increased density to 75 <br /> du/acre, and this Program EIR incorporates analysis of an incremental increase in allowable <br /> residential units(314 units).4 Therefore, the Program EIR assumes a maximum of 7,795 dwelling <br /> units.Assuming factors of 2.99, 2.48, and 2.2 persons per household for low,5 medium,6 and high <br /> ' California Legislative Information.No date.California Government Code Article 10.6.Housing Elements[65580-65589.11].Website: <br /> V&division=l.&title=7.&part=&chapter=3.&article=10.6. <br /> Accessed February 10,2022. <br /> z The numbering of the sites does not correspond to site rankings.The sites are numbered throughout this Program EIR consistent with the <br /> numbering provided by the City.Therefore,some numbers are missing because those sites were included in the initial evaluation but <br /> removed upon further City discussion. <br /> 3 The ADU estimate is based on the average past 5 years of actual production within the City of Pleasanton,which is consistent with HCD <br /> guidance.Given that the Program EIR considers the maximum number of units on the potential sites for rezoning,should any of the <br /> Housing Element Update policies facilitate the production of ADUs,any additional units over the 93 units would be accounted for within <br /> the evaluation because it is unlikely that all of the sites will develop at maximum density. <br /> ° The 2015-2023(5'h Cycle)Housing Element assumed 294 units at the property.Pursuant to AB 2923,and as evaluated in this Program <br /> EIR,the property would have a density of 75 dwelling unit/acre(du/acre),resulting in a total of 593 potential units,or 314 additional units <br /> to what was evaluated in the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the City of Pleasanton Housing Element and Climate <br /> Action Plan General Plan Amendment and Rezonings. <br /> ' Low density includes a density range of 2-7 du/acre Typical housing types include detached single-family units and duplexes. <br /> The medium density classes includes both low medium density and medium density.Low medium includes a density range of 8-14 du/acre. <br /> Typical housing types include small lot single-family homes,townhomes,and small-scale apartment buildings.Medium density includes a <br /> density range of 15-25 du/acre.Typical housing types include attached apartments,condominiums,and townhomes with surface parking. <br /> FirstCarbon Solutions 8 <br />