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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031(6th Cycle)Housing Element Update <br /> City of Pleasanton Notice of Preparation <br /> • Energy—This section will include a discussion of the potential energy consumption and/or <br /> impacts from implementation of the Housing Element Update, with an emphasis on <br /> avoiding or reducing inefficient, wasteful, or unnecessary consumption of energy. <br /> • Geology, Soils,and Seismicity—This section will analyze potential impacts related to <br /> geology, soils, seismicity, and paleontological resources from implementation of the <br /> Housing Element Update. <br /> • Greenhouse Gas Emissions—The Program EIR will analyze the Housing Element <br /> Update's contribution to greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions and potential impacts to climate <br /> change. <br /> • Hazards and Hazardous Materials—This section will discuss potential exposure to <br /> hazardous substances resulting from implementation of the Housing Element Update. <br /> • Hydrology and Water Quality—The Program EIR will analyze impacts of the Housing <br /> Element Update on drainage patterns and water quality. <br /> • Land Use and Planning—This section will summarize the land use pattern for the <br /> potential sites for rezoning, and determine the potential environmental effects of the <br /> proposed project related to land use and planning. <br /> • Noise—This section will analyze short-term impacts to noise-sensitive receptors and long- <br /> term noise exposure. <br /> • Population and Housing—This section will analyze potential impacts to population and <br /> housing that could result from implementation of the Housing Element Update. <br /> • Public Services and Recreation—The Program EIR will analyze impacts on public <br /> services, including police, fire, and schools, as well as potential impacts on recreational <br /> and open space resources, from implementation of the Housing Element Update. <br /> • Transportation—The Program EIR will analyze the proposed project's impacts on the <br /> circulation system including all modes of transit,Vehicle Miles Traveled(VMT),roadway <br /> safety hazards, and emergency access. <br /> • Utilities and Service Systems—This section will analyze the potential impacts associated <br /> with water supply, wastewater services, and other utilities and service systems. <br /> • Wildfire—This section will analyze the potential impacts to wildfire risks, adopted <br /> emergency and evacuation plans, infrastructure, and land and drainage stability. <br /> Effects Found not to be Significant <br /> Unless specific comments are received during the NOP public comment period that indicate a <br /> potential for the Housing Element Update to result in significant impacts, the following issues <br /> will be addressed in the Effects Found not to be Significant section of the Program EIR. <br /> Mineral Resources <br /> Most of the sites are urban infill sites and are developed or partially developed with existing uses <br /> (see Table 1).No activities related to mineral resources currently occur within the potential sites <br /> for rezoning and none of the sites are designated for this use.These conditions preclude the <br /> FirstCarbon Solutions 18 <br /> FirstCarbon Solutions 17 <br />ive map approval,final map <br /> approval, and grading and building permit approval. <br /> FirstCarbon Solutions 15 <br />Specific Plan areas. <br /> FirstCarbon Solutions 14 <br />trict <br /> HDR High Density Residential District <br /> OS Open Space District <br /> FirstCarbon Solutions 13 <br />ers the maximum number of units on the potential sites for rezoning,should any of the <br /> Housing Element Update policies facilitate the production of ADUs,any additional units over the 93 units would be accounted for within <br /> the evaluation because it is unlikely that all of the sites will develop at maximum density. <br /> ° The 2015-2023(5'h Cycle)Housing Element assumed 294 units at the property.Pursuant to AB 2923,and as evaluated in this Program <br /> EIR,the property would have a density of 75 dwelling unit/acre(du/acre),resulting in a total of 593 potential units,or 314 additional units <br /> to what was evaluated in the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the City of Pleasanton Housing Element and Climate <br /> Action Plan General Plan Amendment and Rezonings. <br /> ' Low density includes a density range of 2-7 du/acre Typical housing types include detached single-family units and duplexes. <br /> The medium density classes includes both low medium density and medium density.Low medium includes a density range of 8-14 du/acre. <br /> Typical housing types include small lot single-family homes,townhomes,and small-scale apartment buildings.Medium density includes a <br /> density range of 15-25 du/acre.Typical housing types include attached apartments,condominiums,and townhomes with surface parking. <br /> FirstCarbon Solutions 8 <br />