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• Aesthetics • Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br /> • Agriculture and Forestry Resources • Hydrology and Water Quality <br /> • Air Quality • Land Use and Planning <br /> • Biological Resources • Noise <br /> • Cultural Resources and Tribal Cultural • Population and Housing <br /> Resources • Public Services and Recreation <br /> • Energy • Transportation <br /> • Geology, Soils, and Seismicity • Utilities and Service Systems <br /> • Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy • Wildfire <br /> With espect to transportation, staff notes that pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines, traffic impacts <br /> and f ndings of significance in the EIR may only be evaluated based on Vehicle Miles Traveled <br /> (VM ). However, to inform the policy-based considerations in the adoption of the Housing <br /> Elem-nt Update, a concurrent analysis will be provided as part of the comprehensive Traffic <br /> Impa t Assessment (TIA) that includes an evaluation of Level of Service (LOS) impacts. <br /> Alter atives <br /> Acco ding to State law, an EIR shall describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the project, <br /> whic would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project but would avoid or <br /> subsiantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project. CEQA also requires the EIR to <br /> eval ate a "no project" alternative, in order to compare the impacts of adoption of the Housing <br /> Elem-nt with not adopting the Housing Element2. Although the project alternatives will not be <br /> finali.ed until the impact evaluation is complete, it is likely that the alternatives will reflect <br /> differ-nt combinations or subsets of potential sites, based on location and assigned densities; <br /> and/.r adjustments to proposed densities. All alternatives will need to meet the basic <br /> obje• ives of the Housing Element update, including providing an adequate inventory of sites <br /> to m:et the RHNA. <br /> Cum lative Im•acts <br /> As r_•uired by CEQA, the impact analysis will include evaluation of the program- specific <br /> impa is of the potential land use changes associated with the adoption of the Housing <br /> Element; together with the cumulative impacts of those land use changes alongside other <br /> foreseeable development that is projected to occur. <br /> CEQ ' Process and Schedule <br /> Onc- prepared, the DEIR will be circulated for public comment for 45 days. Comments <br /> recei ed from the general public and from the applicable federal, state, and local agencies will <br /> be al dressed in the "Response to Comments" section of the Final Programmatic EIR (FEIR). <br /> The ' EIR will then be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation <br /> to the City Council. The City Council will determine whether to certify the FEIR as complete <br /> acco ding to CEQA requirements. The environmental review process and proposed tentative <br /> sche4ule is as follows: <br /> 2 While the "no project" alternative is required by CEQA, adoption of the Housing Element is also required by law. <br /> Housing Element Update, P21-0751 Planning Commission <br /> 4 of <br />e City, for <br /> which detailed analysis is recommended to be included in the DEIR. Additional detail on the <br /> scope of topics proposed to be addressed under each of these categories is provided in the <br /> Notice of Preparation, Exhibit A. As a result of comments received during the scoping period, <br /> including at this scoping session, additional issues may be identified that may be added to this <br /> list: <br /> Housing Element Update, P21-0751 Planning Commission <br /> 3 of 5 <br />is approach is being taken by some cities in light of the more stringent"no net loss" provisions of state <br /> law. However, this decision would rest with the City Council, among its considerations when adopting the Housing <br /> Eleme it. <br /> Housing Element Update, P21-0751 Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 5 <br />