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City of Pleasanton–Spotorno Ranch Reduced Development Project <br />Acronyms and Abbreviations Initial Study/Consistency Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />iv FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480021/Consistency Checklist/21480021 Spotorno Ranch Consistency Checklist ScreenCheck.docx <br />du dwelling unit <br />du/acre dwelling unit per acre <br />EACCS East alameda County Conservation Strategy <br />EIR Environmental Impact Report <br />EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency <br />ESA Environmental Site Assessment <br />FAR Floor to Area Ratio <br />FEIR Final Environmental Impact Report <br />FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency <br />FESA Federal Endangered Species Act <br />FMMP Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program <br />FTA Federal Transit Administration <br />GHG greenhouse gas <br />GIS Geographic Information System <br />GP General Plan <br />HOA Homeowner’s Association <br />HREC Historic Recognized Environmental Condition <br />HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning <br />HVSP Happy Valley Specific Plan <br />in/sec inch per second <br />kBTU kilo-British Thermal Units <br />kWh kilowatt-hour <br />lbs pounds <br />Ldn day/night average sound level <br />Leq equivalent sound level <br />LHMP Local Hazard Mitigation Plan <br />Lmax maximum noise/sound level <br />LNG liquefied natural gas <br />LOS Level of Service <br />LRA Local Responsibility Area <br />LTS less than significant <br />LTSM less than significant with mitigation <br />LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank <br />MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act <br />MMRP Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />mph miles per hour <br />MT metric tons <br />NAHC Native American Heritage Commission