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PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The proposal would subdivide the existing 1.3 -acre "L" shaped parcel into two parcels: <br />Parcel A would be approximately 21,866 square feet in area and frontage on Martin <br />Avenue; 3707 Trenery Drive would be approximately 34,840 square feet in area and <br />frontage on Trenery Drive. <br />An item of note, Trenery Drive is a private street with the majority of the Trenery Drive <br />lots being developed prior to annexation. In circumstances such as this, on a private <br />street with no existing sidewalks, the City does not require frontage improvements such <br />as sidewalks. <br />Parcel A — Martin Avenue <br />Parcel A would be developed with an approximately 4,837 -square -foot, two-story <br />single-family residence with an approximately 900 -square -foot attached garage, an <br />approximately 331 -square -foot, 11 -foot 11 -inch -tall shed (detached accessory <br />structure), and related site improvements. The proposed home would be accessible <br />from a decorative concrete Hollywood driveway on Martin Avenue, be set back a <br />considerable distance (i.e., 30 feet) from Martin Avenue, and would maintain generous <br />setbacks on the remaining sides (see Figure 5 and Table 1 in Attachment 4). The <br />proposed residence and accessory structure will use concrete tiles for the roof and have <br />smooth stucco, window trim, and have a light, brown -toned color palette on the body, <br />which is discussed in more detail later in this report and can be further reviewed in the <br />Project Plans in Exhibit B of Attachment 1. <br />Figure 5: Parcel A, Martin Avenue Focused Site Plan <br />I <br />1 <br />!I <br />I fll ■ <br />1 1 poi rgall <br />■ <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />