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of the discharge piping, which included surveying the discharge elevations of the <br /> underdrain system and the invert elevation of the sanitary sewer piping connection <br /> point, it was determined that the difference in elevations was less than expected. This <br /> caused concern that the need to pump would be much more frequent than anticipated, <br /> requiring significant staff time, and also caused concern that sewage could back up into <br /> the underdrain system discharge piping if an issue with the sewer system caused it to <br /> surcharge. To address these concerns, it is recommended that a small, pre-packaged <br /> pump station be installed as part of the project. While the small pump station would <br /> require permanent electrical power to operate, it will be automated, reducing the staff <br /> time needed to periodically pump out the system. The station would have a float control <br /> and avoid using the underdrain system for storage. It would also allow the underdrain <br /> system discharge piping to connect to the sanitary sewer pipe at an elevation above the <br /> sewer flow line elevation, thereby reducing the potential for backup. <br /> Also during design, the storm drains outfalls along Val Vista Park were inspected again. <br /> The re-inspection included the use of propelled video camera to determine the condition <br /> of the piping upstream of the outfalls. As a result, two more outfalls were found to need <br /> repairs in addition to the two repairs already identified. <br /> As discussed, the system currently being designed will divert recycled water collected in <br /> the underdrain system to the sanitary sewer. It should be noted that the system design <br /> will include valving that allows the underdrain system to discharge to the storm drain <br /> outfalls during the wet weather season when irrigation is not necessary. This design will <br /> meet the State Water Board requirement that recycled water not be discharged to the <br /> waterway. It will also, importantly, not divert wet season stormwater run-off to the <br /> sanitary sewer system for treatment at the DSRSD treatment plant. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> To incorporate the pre-packaged pump station into the design, including the electrical <br /> service necessary for the pump station, as well the repairs required at the two additional <br /> outfalls, it is necessary to amend the existing agreement with Pakpour. <br /> On June 1, 2021, City Council approved a staff recommendation to enter into an on-call <br /> professional services agreement with Pakpour Consulting Group. The recommendation <br /> included authorizing the Director of Engineering to approve individual task <br /> authorizations up to $100,000 each. The recommendation also stated that if an <br /> individual task authorization was greater than $100,000, the task authorization approval <br /> would be presented to City Council for consideration. The task authorization to Pakpour <br /> for the design of the project subsequently approved by the Director of Engineering (on <br /> July 14, 2021) was for the not-to-exceed amount of $74,480. Since the recommended <br /> amendment is for the not-to-exceed amount of $36,915, the proposed total agreement <br /> will increase to $111,395, above the Director of Engineering's authority to approve. <br /> Therefore, staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the <br /> amendment to the task authorization under the on-call agreement with Pakpour <br /> Consulting Group for the not-to-exceed amount of$36,915. <br /> Budget <br /> The current Capital Improvement Program budget includes $1 .6 million to fund the <br /> design and construction of the Val Vista Underdrain Improvements Project, CIP No. <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br />