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ATTACHMENT 1 <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON ADDING A <br />NEW CHAPTER 9.23 ORGANICS REDUCTION AND RECYCLING TO THE MUNICIPAL <br />CODE, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE ALAMEDA COUNTY WASTE <br />MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY'S ORGANICS REDUCTION AND RECYCLING <br />ORDINANCE 2021-02 WITH LOCAL AMENDMENTS, AND ADOPTING CONFORMING <br />AMENDMENTS TO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 9.20 AND 9.22 AND SECTIONS <br />20.26.020, 20.26.050 and 20.26.070 <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to comply with certain state laws requiring <br />cities, counties, and special districts providing solid waste collection services to adopt ordinances <br />and take other measures to reduce the amount of organic and recyclable materials deposited in <br />landfills from commercial and residential generators, more specifically the Short -Lived Climate <br />Pollutants Organic Waste Reduction regulations adopted pursuant to Senate Bill 1383 (Statutes <br />of 2016) set forth in the California Code of Regulations (the "SB 1383 Regulations"); and <br />WHEREAS, the City is a member of the Alameda County Waste Management Authority <br />("WMA" and also commonly known as "StopWaste"). The WMA is a joint powers agency <br />comprised of all the cities in Alameda County, the county, and two sanitary districts; and <br />WHEREAS, the SB 1383 Regulations require cities, counties, and special districts <br />providing solid waste collection services to adopt and enforce an ordinance or other enforceable <br />mechanism applicable to residents and businesses generating or processing solid waste to <br />implement relevant provisions of the SB 1383 Regulations. In response to this mandate, the <br />WMA's member agencies requested that WMA adopt an ordinance to establish a uniform and <br />comprehensive countywide system to establish the local regulations required by the SB 1383 <br />Regulations concerning regulation of organic waste collection services, generators of organic <br />waste, waste haulers, and generators and processors of edible food, together with enforcement <br />mechanisms and administrative civil penalties for violations of local regulations; and <br />WHEREAS, on July 28, 2021, the WMA adopted the Organics Reduction and Recycling <br />Ordinance ("ORRO"), Ordinance 2021-02, attached hereto as Exhibit A. In order for the ORRO to <br />apply in Pleasanton, the City of Pleasanton must adopt an ordinance declaring that it will apply <br />within Pleasanton; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Pleasanton wants the ORRO to apply in Pleasanton so adopts by <br />reference WMA's ORRO as allowed by Cal. Government Code §§ 50022.2 and 50022.3, with <br />local amendments as described herein; and <br />WHEREAS, the ORRO provides jurisdictions with the option to grant enforcement <br />authority over various of its provisions to agencies specified in the ORRO. The City is making <br />designations by approving agreements with other entities prior to January 1, 2022; and <br />WHEREAS, the SB 1383 Regulations also require cities, counties, and special districts <br />providing solid waste collection services to adopt and enforce an ordinance or other enforceable <br />mechanism concerning the CALGreen Building Standards, the Model Water Efficient Landscape <br />Ordinance, and Procurement of Recovered Organic Waste Products. These requirements are <br />addressed in Pleasanton Municipal Code Chapters 17.50 and 20.26 Green Building, Chapter <br />