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17.14 Water Efficient Landscaping, respectively, and the Pleasanton Purchasing Procedures and <br />Manual; and <br />WHEREAS, with the new SB 1383 Regulations and ORRO requirements, conforming <br />amendments are needed in Municipal Code Chapter 9.20, which is being renamed as Solid <br />Waste, amendments would include deletion of section 9.20.040 related to private permits <br />authorizing self -hauling, and Chapter 9.22, which is being renamed as Recycling Facilities, and <br />related amendments to Chapter 20.26 Green Building Code. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON DOES <br />HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to CalRecycle's SB 1383 Regulations. <br />The SB 1383 Regulations were the subject of a program environmental impact report (EIR) <br />prepared by. CalRecycle, and except for provisions which maintain the already established <br />requirements of the Waste Management Authority's Ordinance Requiring Actions to Reduce <br />Landfilling of Recyclable and Organic Solid Wastes from Businesses, Multifamily Residences, <br />and Self -Haulers (Ordinance 2012-1; also known as the Mandatory Recycling Ordinance ) which <br />currently apply in Pleasanton, the activities to be carried out under this ordinance are entirely <br />within the scope of the SB 1383 Regulations and that EIR. No mitigation measures identified in <br />the EIR are applicable to Pleasanton's enactment of this ordinance. Moreover, none of the <br />conditions requiring a subsequent or supplemental EIR, as described in Public Resources Code <br />§21166 and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines §§15162 and 15163, have <br />occurred. The EIR therefore adequately analyzes any potential environmental effects of the <br />ordinance and no additional environmental review is required. On a separate and independent <br />basis, this ordinance is exempt from CEQA pursuant to §15308, Class 8 of the CEQA Guidelines <br />as an action that will not have a significant impact on the environment and as an action taken by <br />a regulatory agency for the protection of the environment, specifically, for the protection of the <br />climate. There are no unusual circumstances that would cause this ordinance to have a significant <br />effect on the environment. <br />SECTION 2. Adds a new Chapter 9.23 Organics Reduction and Recycling to the <br />Municipal Code as follows: <br />9.23.010 Purpose and Intent. <br />Comply with state laws requiring cities providing waste collection services to adopt <br />ordinances and take other measures to reduce the amount of organic and recyclable materials <br />deposited in landfills from commercial and residential generators pursuant to the Short -Lived <br />Climate Pollutants Organic Waste Reduction regulations adopted pursuant to Senate Bill 1383 <br />(2016). <br />Streamline the reduction and recycling process for commercial and residential generators <br />by opting into the countywide Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance developed by the <br />Alameda County Waste Management Authority. <br />9.23.020 Adoption. <br />The Alameda County Waste Management Authority's Organics Reduction and Recycling <br />Ordinance (WMA Ord. 2021-02) is adopted in this chapter by reference, to be effective in <br />Pleasanton beginning on January 1, 2022. <br />