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manure, vegetable or animal solid and semisolid wastes, and other discarded solid and semisolid <br />wastes. <br />"Solid waste" does not include any of the following wastes: <br />(1) Hazardous waste, as defined in Section 40141. <br />(2) Radioactive waste regulated pursuant to the Radiation Control Law (Chapter 8 (commencing <br />with Section 114960) of Part 9 of Division 104 of the Health and Safety Code). <br />(3) Medical waste regulated pursuant to the Medical Waste Management Act (Part 14 <br />(commencing with Section 117600) of Division 104 of the Health and Safety Code). Untreated <br />medical waste shall not be disposed of in a solid waste landfill, as defined in Section 40195.1. <br />Medical waste that has been treated and deemed to be solid waste shall be regulated pursuant to <br />this division. <br />9.20.020 General provisions. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, each and every <br />"residential unit," "commercial unit" and "industrial unit," as defined in Section 9.20.010 of this <br />chapter, shall have solid waste, recyclables and organic waste service by the collector with a <br />collection contract entered into pursuant to Section 9.20.100. To provide such service, the city <br />may grant a franchise for the exclusive right to collect, transport, dispose of and recycle, as <br />applicable, solid waste, recyclable materials and organic waste produced and accumulated within <br />the limits of the city as provided in this chapter. <br />9.20.030 Solid waste, recyclables and organic waste service. <br />A. The city manager, or the community development director, shall cause all buildings <br />or structures specified in Section 9.20.020 of this chapter within the corporate limits of the city to <br />be visited from time to time, and the sanitary condition of the buildings or structures examined to <br />determine whether the. provisions of this chapter are complied with. Upon notification by a duly <br />authorized representative of the city, all persons, including the collector with a collection <br />contract entered into pursuant to Section 9.20.100, shall comply with the provisions of this <br />chapter or be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, or be subject to administrative citation as <br />provided in Chapter 1.24. <br />B. In all cases of disputes or complaints concerning receptacles for solid waste, <br />recyclables or organic waste and the place where they are awaiting removal of their contents, the <br />quantities to be removed, the number of times of removal, and the rates charged, the city <br />manager or the community development director, or their duly authorized agent, shall designate <br />the place, quantity, time, manner and rates for such removal, and his or her decision shall be <br />final. <br />C. It is unlawful for any person to in any manner interfere with the collection, removal <br />or disposal of solid waste, recyclables or organic waste by the collector with a collection contract <br />entered into pursuant to Section 9.20.100. <br />D. No person, firm or corporation shall dump, place or bury in any lot, land, street, <br />alley or other public place, or in any waterway or elsewhere in the corporate limits, any garbage, <br />trash, rubbish, manure or waste matter condemned by the city manager or community <br />development director. <br />E. No solid waste, recyclables and organic waste shall be burned within the city limits <br />unless such burning complies with the then existing ordinance of the city which regulates such <br />burning. <br />